Bibliothèque des Refusés

Susan Maxwell

Author Biography

Author Bio v.1 (446 words, 2,801 characters)

Susan Maxwell is an independent author and scholar who writes literary/slipstream fiction for adults and fantasy literature suitable for younger readers. She has published four novels and a collection of short stories, with short stories and poetry also appearing in magazines and anthologies. 

Maxwell’s short story 'Necrologue' was the title story of the 2004 Lambda Award-winning anthology edited by H. Sandler, and her first published novel Good Red Herring (Little Island) was included in the Irish Times Best books of 2014 for children and young adults. 

Born near Tullamore in Ireland, Maxwell has fitted her writing activities around work as a professional archivist that took her to Dublin, Belfast, London, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, The Hague, and most recently back to Ireland in 2015. 

She studied English Literature and History for her BA from NUIG, before going on to postgraduate study in Archives at UCD. She returned to the books later, combining study with full-time work (and novel-writing), and gained a PhD from Northumbria University for her research on archives and the margins.

In 2014 Little Island Books published the novel Good Red Herring for the Young Adult market, though as with most of Maxwell's work, it does not fit entirely comfortably into generic or age-related categories. The book is set in a fictional low-fantasy world that is both imaginary and deeply rooted in Ireland.

Further, independently published, books followed this debut. A Wild Goose Hunt is the second in the Muinbeo Chronicles series inaugurated by Good Red Herring. A new series, Flux Avellana, was launched with And the Wildness, set in the same overarching 'Hibernia Altera' universe. The short story collection Fluctuation in Disorder and the novel Hollowmen are both slipstream works aimed at an adult rather than a universal readership. 

As well as fiction, Maxwell writes academic / non-fiction material on themes related to archives and literature; her chapter on the archival aspects of the short stories of M.R. James and of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, based on a paper given at the 2022 conference ‘The Past as Nightmare’, is included in a forthcoming volume from Routledge.

Maxwell has served on fiction and non-fiction juries for the British Fantasy Awards and reviews regularly for Inis, the magazine of Children’s Books Ireland. Literary influences come mostly from speculative and modernist fiction, the author being particularly fond of Flann O'Brien, Italo Calvino, Samuel Beckett, and Virginia Woolf. 

Maxwell is also an artist who has exhibited her work in various venues in Ireland and Britain. When not writing, or painting, or being an archivist, she can be found in the vegetable patch, listening to music, reading books, watching old detective series, or catching up on sleep.

Author Bio v.2 (144 words, 924 characters)

Susan Maxwell is an independent author and scholar who writes literary/slipstream fiction for adults and fantasy literature suitable for younger readers. She has published four novels and a collection of short stories, and her work has appeared in magazines and anthologies.

The short story 'Necrologue' was the title story of a 2004 Lambda Award-winning anthology, and her novel Good Red Herring (Little Island) was included in the Irish Times Best books of 2014 for children and young adults. Subsequent books are published independently.

Born near Tullamore in Ireland, Maxwell has worked as a professional archivist in Ireland, the UK, and the Netherlands. She holds a PhD from Northumbria University and writes non-fiction on themes related to archives and literature.

She has served on fiction and non-fiction juries for the British Fantasy Awards and reviews regularly for Inis, the magazine of Children’s Books Ireland.

Author Bio v.3 (23 words, 168 characters)

Susan Maxwell is an award-winning  independent author and scholar who writes literary/slipstream fiction for adults and fantasy literature suitable for younger readers.

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1600 x 1600 96dpi

Awards and Distinctions; Praise/Reviews (selection)

2004: Lambda Award (Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror category): short story 'Necrologue' was the title story of the winning anthology.

2014: Irish Times best books of 2014 for children and young adults (Good Red Herring, a “wickedly offbeat fantasy detective story.”)

Good Red Herring

“Imagine a book like a Pogues concert! Chaotic, powerfully creative, wonderful, whilst utterly exasperating at times, littered with classic and classical Irish references all united in a glorious cacophony of intense delight and beauty. Well this is it! … [T]his story is as sustaining as buttered fruit-cake with all the glory of a besieged post office. You can last out days in it. There in an intense, almost magical devotion to incidental detail that easily leads the reader away from the plot into a fantastic landscape with a bizarre yet strangely familiar society…” (Nigel Robert Wilson)

"This is the kind of book I absolutely love – it creates a dense world for the reader to move through, makes few if any concessions in terms of explaining itself, trusting that you're smart enough to work it out. … The nearest comparison I can think of is Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees meets The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien…" (Karina Clifford)

And the Wildness

“Gorgeous and hilarious and profound.” (Siobhán Parkinson)

Book Information: click cover images for details

Fluctuation in Disorder book info
Hollowmen book info
And the Wildness book info
Good Red Herring book info
A Wild Goose Hunt book info