Bibliothèque des Refusés
Susan Maxwell
A Wild Goose Hunt
(Muinbeo Chronicles #2)
“You did not tell the Abbess a single lie,” Diamond said, “But you didn’t tell her the truth.”
As a good Sombrist, Hunter Sessaire is aware that not only lying, but also curiosity, is very much frowned upon by his community. As an apprentice archivist, he cannot resist the temptation to try to puzzle out how a manuscript could have been stolen from the room within the Sombrists' stronghold known as the Labyrinth. A room that opens only during a planetary alignment. An alignment that has not yet taken place.
But this is not the only enigma abroad in Muinbeo this winter. Seemingly disparate occurrences remain opaque even to those normally in the know, such as Detective Chief Inspector Hal McCabe, scratching his head over the inexplicable vanishing of his apprentice, Salmon Farsade, and the dramatic and destructive theft of an ancient silver hand from the local school museum.
The boundaries of Muinbeo, carefully managed to keep the Outland and its machinations by and large outside where they belong, have become a bit more porous than McCabe would like, not least when he begins to suspect that some of the uncanny events may have their roots in a controversial Outland archaeological dig in Aegypt… Once again we are led into a maze of mystery by those not entirely reliable narrators, the Storytellers, in this enthralling sequel to Good Red Herring.
For readers of all ages.
ISBN 978-1-739603-75-5 pb. / 978-1-739603-76-2 ebook