BCM Table Tennis

Berks Chester Montgomery Co.

Focusing on the meeting point of Berks, Chester, and Montgomery Counties, this page is intended to bring table tennis and ping pong players together for social play, competitive play, tournaments, training, and coaching. Table tennis for fun, exercise and/or for skills development. 

Our first step is to locate and connect players.
Our second step is to develop a robust and lively program centered on the Fit Life facility at the Coventry Mall.
Our third step, we'll address that once we conquered one and two!

Join our Facebook Group or Email list to stay in touch!

Talk to you soon!

The PongFather


Rules of Table Tennis

Scoring and Games 

Legal Serving 

Equipment Basics 

*Taken from USATT.org.  This link will take you to the Official Rules of Table Tennis.

Other Places to Play

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