Wastewater Simulator

The Septic Tank Simulator is a hands-on flow model of a septic tank and absorption field system. Most people who have a septic system do not know what it actually does. They just know that they "flush" and it goes away. This systems shows what really happens when you "flush".

This Septic Tank Simulator is a vertical cross-section cut through a typical on-site waste water disposal system, or what is commonly referred to as a septic tank system.

Major components:

  • Sewer Pipe
  • Septic Tank
  • Alternator Valve
  • Absorption field

How it Works: The observed waste water flow in the system is the "flushed" wastes of liquids from drains enters the septic tank through the sewer pipe. In the septic tank the water is retained for a length of time, it receives primary treatment in that the solids settle out in the tank and sink to the bottom, while some of the material floats to the surface and becomes part of the scum layer. After this retention time, the water flows out to an alternator valve where its directed to an absorption field. Exiting the tile system in the absorption field, the waste water is further dispersed through a gravel layer and then enters the environment of the native or natural soils.

Requirements: The GS can be used in a classroom that has an electric outlet and a sink. If a sink is not available in the classroom, you may use water in buckets or bottles to fill the GS and an empty 5-gallon bucket to drain water from the GS. The GS can also be used outside with a AC-DC pump or a 2-liter bottle.

Manufacturer: Envision/Crystal Scientific

Suggested Courses: Earth Science, Environmental Science