Bergen-Budapest Workshop

Qualitative and Numerical Aspects of Mathematical Modelling

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Bergen, Norway

May 29-30, 2017

The aim of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and those who apply mathematical tools from various Norwegian and Hungarian institutes (and from other countries) in order to discuss new trends in applied mathematics and find mutual research interests. In particular, current hot topics in numerical analysis, applied and computational mathematics, mathematical modelling, mathematical biology, and scientific computing will be addressed.

Organizing institutions: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Bergen), ELTE-MTA Numerical Analysis and Large Networks Research Group (Budapest)

Main speakers: S. Christiansen (Oslo), G. Chumakov (Novosibirsk), N. Chumakova (Novosibirsk ), R. Horváth (Budapest), J. Karátson (Budapest), F. Radu (Bergen)

Scientific Committee:

  • István Faragó (Budapest)
  • Ilona Heldal (Bergen)
  • Róbert Horváth (Budapest)
  • Alexander Lundervold (Bergen)

Organizing Committee:

  • Sergey Korotov (Bergen)
  • Jon Eivind Vatne (Bergen)
  • János Karátson (Budapest)
  • Ali Khademi (Bergen)

Location: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Kronstad Campus (Inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen), auditorium F117

Scientific program: download in pdf file


Monday, May 29, 2017

Opening (Geir Anton Johansen (dean) & István Faragó)

Chairman: J. E. Vatne

Chairman: I. Faragó

Chairman: S. Korotov

Chairman: R. Horváth

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chairman: J. Karátson

  • G. Chumakov: Regular 2D Quasi-Isometric Grids
  • N. Chumakova, G. Chumakov: Complexity in Kinetic Models of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions (we need file and approval)

Chairman: G. Chumakov