Venu 2 Plus. Before update to 9.17, when a call incoming, ringtone from phone was played on watch speaker. At the same time, vibration was constantly working. It is very comfortable. After update, an incoming call triggers one short peak and one vibro, as with a notification of a new message. I'm missing calls now. How to return everything back? Tried to change setting "System -> Sounds -> Ringtone", it does not help.

The volume in all watch settings is set to maximum. I did not change the settings, the ringtone stopped playing after updating to version 9.17. Maybe there is a possibility to rollback to the previous firmware?

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Im having the same problem too, no ring tone on watch only vibration when the phone ring is on. If I turn phone to mute the watch gets the ringtone. Im sure it used to be on both at the same time. Samsung phone running android 12 and One UI4.1.

Suddenly, incoming callers do not hear a ringtone on their end anymore. Nevertheless, calls can be completed without further issues - just the calling party has the impression that nothing happes during the silence until we do pick up. Generally, my setup is working for years without such issues.

Does anyone have any further hints on how that may come about? I did try other nat settings but with no success, i.e., my ringtone packets to seem to get dropped in the critical case regardless of what I did so far.

In my examples, the call is never completed, just ringing and than hanging up. In all scenarios, completing the call does work without any issues whatsoever. The problem is just, that the calling party may not hear a ringtone presumably after a recent modification on the side of the carrier.

I recognized that problem also when i was calling from another carrier (Telefonica) a customer that uses Deutsche Telekom.

I could reproduce that issue that day - today, as i wanted to find a solution (cause another customer told us, he had the same problem since the last freePBX-Upgrade i did on his machine) i could not reproduce it, unfortunatelly.

I came across an issue on OnePlus devices with their "pocket mode". Basically if you put your phone into the pocket and receive a call via a notification, the pocket mode will silence it (i.e. you don't hear the ringing).

Now, the question is how to avoid the notification and the MediaPlayer play at the same time. I m certain that this is possible because Signal does it. But I fail to understand how they do it. They create their channels the normal way and the incoming call notification is built the same way I tried.

I regularly have Opera, Firefox, and Chrome running at the same time, but I have checked extensions to verify that no Skype holdout extensions exist. I have combed the registry and the sound setting to eliminate any notification using the incoming skype ringtone sound. No help yet.

Can someone tell me how to stop this random unsolicited attempt to call me through my PC, how to disable the ringing and the calls. Thanks in advance for your support

I use my phone to play music at work. When I wander away from my desk, I often leave my headphones plugged in. If someone calls my phone when the headphones are plugged in, the phone rings, but only through the headphones and I end up missing the call. What I would like is to be able to set different audio to play through different outputs: my audio player through my headphones and my ringtone through my speaker. I've looked through the sound settings and haven't found much that seems incredibly useful.

I had a similar issue at work. What i ended up doing was turning the "Vibrate" setting on in Settings/Sounds. My phone was bugging everyone else in the office before (which is why i started using headphones) but with that setting, the phone vibrates on receiving a call as well as ringing in the headphones. I didn't have to disturb anyone, and i still got calls when i forgot about my headphones!

Then, while I think a "native routing selection setting" (like some vendors already independently offer) is the best solution, workarounds should still be doable. A phone dialer automatically switching/mirroring audio for you would be my second best idea, but unfortunately I'm not aware of any having such feature.

For this reason, the only other possible option is some kind of notification listener, re-routing the sound, or playing a new separate tone of its own, when a call approaches. In this thread "Shouter" was recommended, and I have to say it works quite neatly (a tasker recipe can also be found there, for more advanced users).

I have generated a phone number through HS that is forwarded to my personal cell phone (I have Verizon). Is there a tip on how to notify me that its an incoming HS call vs. a typical call to my personal number?

Yes, I think small work around will work so there is a simple and effective tip to differentiate incoming HubSpot calls from regular calls to your personal cell phone. You can customize the ringtone or notification sound for the specific contact number assigned to your HubSpot-generated phone number.

Set a custom ringtone: Look for the option to set a custom ringtone or notification sound for this specific contact. On most Android devices, you'll find this option in the "Edit" or "More" menu while viewing the contact details.

Now, whenever you receive a call from your HubSpot-generated number, you'll hear the customized ringtone, making it easy for you to identify that it's an incoming call from HubSpot. For regular personal calls, your default ringtone will continue to play.

If you're using an iPhone or a different Android device, the process may vary slightly, but the concept remains the same. Simply find the option to set a custom ringtone or notification sound for a specific contact, and choose a distinct sound for your HubSpot-generated number.

Our team is a month in to using Zen Voice. We would love to be able to change the ringtone for incoming calls. Our reps have nightmares of the default ringtone after work away from the phones. A choice of ringtones or being able to upload our own ringtones would be fantastic.

+9000 for basic customization options for calls. Volume control would be great so that when I'm enjoying the daily grind and listening to "Today" by The Smashing Pumpkins via Spotify and I'm tip-tap-typing away at some customer emails I don't immediately receive a full-body wave of depression as that intrusive, painful ringtone blasts into my skull. B'great.

+15 bumps for this feature.

The Agents in our organization would LOVE this option. I've personally answered over 25,230 zendesk voice calls over the last 4-5 years since ZenDesk introduced the Voice/Talk feature. 

I can't exaggerate how many times my imagination has tried to convince me that I'm hearing the inbound ringtone in the back of my mind, even when it's outside of business hours! lol... I'm ashamed to admit that I've even heard it in my dreams. In MY DREAMS, ZenDesk! PLEASE, let us change it up, even if it was just a few alternate notification sounds, we could at the VERY LEAST, change it to hear something different for once.

Honestly, I have no hope that this will ever be updated since it has been over 5 years since this was posted... But just putting it out there that many of us are still waiting for this and would love to see this very simple feature (changing the ringtone) implemented.

I have to have the volume on my computer super low when I am covering phones or the ring tone makes my heart stop ? Please implement the ability to change it! It seems mad you can personalise the Chat tone (?for the win) but you can't for calls!

Luckily there is a way to mute ringtones but keep the call notification around. This means your iPhone will ring, but other devices will stay silent and just show you the incoming call, giving you an option to answer them or hang up right there.

Go to System Preferences/Notifications, find FaceTime in the list and turn off "Play sound for notifications". This way macOS will show all incoming FaceTime, FaceTime Audio, and regular phone calls in the top right, but your Mac gonna stay silent.

For some reason, there is no way to disable sound for call notifications on iOS and iPadOS, although there is a workaround: you can create a silent ringtone using GarageBand or you can buy one from the iTunes Store (buying will also make it available for your other iOS devices).

Zoom...Please allow us to abiliuty to Mute incoming ringer while in meeting and calls. Would still like to see popup if possible. Its very disctracting to have ringing in headphones while in conversation. Another improvement would be to just mute ring in headphone and make a different speaker the active ringer.

The ringtones on this website are in .mp3 format and is compatible with almost all mobile phones. Download ringtones and use them on Nokia Mobile phones, Samsung, Sony Ericsson phones, LG mobiles, Motorola phones etc... ff782bc1db

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