18th International Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science (BBC-2025)
held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2025)
7-9 July 2025, Singapore
Emerging technologies in biomedicine and bioinformatics are generating an increasing amount of complex data. To tackle the growing complexity associated with emerging and future life science challenges, bioinformatics and computational biology researchers need to explore, develop and apply novel computational concepts, methods, and tools.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together computer science and life scientists to discuss emerging and future directions in topics related to key bioinformatics and computational biology techniques: (i) Advanced computing architectures; (ii) Algorithm design; (iii) Data analysis and knowledge discovery; (iv) Data management and integration; (v) Integration of quantitative/symbolic knowledge into executable biomedical “theories” or models; (vi) Artificial Intelligence in bioinformatics and medicine, with special focus on main challenges such as explainability, bias, ethics, dataset shift.
Interest to the ICCS community
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine exploit both data science and computational sciences so the
workshop fits perfectly the ICCS goals. Moreover, this would be the 17th edition of the
workshop that in the past attracted many submissions along the years.
Emerging technologies in biomedicine and bioinformatics are generating an increasing amount of complex data. To tackle the growing complexity associated with emerging and future life science challenges, bioinformatics and computational biology researchers need to explore, develop and apply novel computational concepts, methods, and tools. The aim of this workshop is to bring together computer science and life scientists to discuss emerging and future directions in topics related to key bioinformatics and computational biology techniques:
Advanced computing architectures
Algorithm design
Data analysis and knowledge discovery
Data management and integration
Integration of quantitative/symbolic knowledge into executable biomedical “theories” or models
- Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Health Informatics
- Data Science in Bioinformatics and Health Informatics
- Big data analytics in healthcare and bioinformatics
- Data Mining in Bioinformatics and Health Informatics
- Deep Learning in Bioinformatics and Health Informatics
- Sentiment Analysis in bioinformatics and healthcare
- Affective Computing in bioinformatics and healthcare
- Text mining of biomedical literature and clinical notes
- Healthcare data quality, privacy, and security
- High performance computing for computational biology
- Data integration and ontologies in biology and medicine
- Large scale biological and biomedical databases
- Parallel bioinformatics algorithms
- Parallel visualization and exploration of omics and clinical data
- Parallel visualization and analysis of biomedical images
- Computing environments for large scale collaboration
- Scientific workflows in bioinformatics and biomedicine
- Emerging architectures and programming models for bioinformatics and biomedicine
- Parallel processing of bio-signals
- Modeling and simulation in healthcare and medicine
- Cloud Computing for bioinformatics and biomedicine
- Cloud Computing for health systems
- Services for bioinformatics and biomedicine
- Internet of Things in bioinformatics and healthcare
- Peer-To-Peer Computing for bioinformatics and biomedicine
The workshop will take place on (To Be Decided). The program is available here (TBD)
Quick Links
Scope and Topics | Paper Types and Publication | Instructions for Authors
Scope and Topics
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original, unpublished research and recent developments in Computational Sciences. All accepted papers will be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series and indexed by Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in ISI Web of Science), and several other indexing services. The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers.
Please submit your paper through Easychair (you will find indication on how to select the BBC workshop):
Paper submission: 28 FEBRUARY 2025 31 January 2025
Notification to authors: 31 March 2025
Camera-ready papers: 18 April 2025
Author registration: 31 March – 18 April 2025
Non-author registration (in-person only): 31 March – 2 June 2025
Workshop sessions: 7-9 July 2025
After of the workshop, we plan to invite the best papers of the workshop for a special issue of an international journal.
BBC Organisers
Programme Committee
General PC Chair
Mario Cannataro, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy
Track chairs
Bioinformatics track
Giuseppe, Agapito, University of Catanzaro, Italy,
Artificial Intelligence Track
Mauro, Castelli, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal,
Network Analysis track
Riccardo, Dondi, University of Bergamo, Italy,
Simulation track
Rodrigo, Weber dos Santos, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil,
Health Informatics track
Italo, Zoppis, University Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Publicity chairs
Pietro Cinaglia, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy
Chiara Zucco, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy
Program Committee
Giuseppe, Agapito, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Luca Barillaro, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Stefano, Beretta, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (TIGET), Italy
Lorella Bottino, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Mario, Cannataro, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Mauro, Castelli, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Pietro Cinaglia, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Attila, Csikasz-Nagy, King’s College London/Pázmány Péter Catholic University, United Kingdom
Bhaskar, DasGupta, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States
Riccardo, Dondi, University of Bergamo, Italy
Pawel, Gorecki, University of Warsaw, Poland
Ilaria Lazzaro, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Marcelo, Lobosco, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Maria Chiara Martinis, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Wagner, Meira Jr., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Ivan, Merelli, Institute for Biomedical Technologies-National Research Council, Italy
Marianna, Milano, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Yuri, Pirola, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Ela, Pustulka-Hunt, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Marzia, Settino, University of Catanzaro, Italy
Martin, Swain, Aberystwyth University, Wales
Paolo, Trunfio, University of Calabria, Italy
Rodrigo, Weber dos Santos, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Italo, Zoppis, University Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Chiara, Zucco, University of Catanzaro, Italy