From Data to Decisions


May 12 - May 13

A 2-day event


University of California Davis

Gallagher Hall


The meeting is the third event in the series of regional meetings, (San Francisco) Bay Area Optimization Meetings, held since 2015. Decision makers and policy analysts face increasing uncertainty, but also increasing availability of data and information. This conference brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines who work on mathematical methods that can be used to analyze large amounts of data and be applied to decision problems faced by government and industry. The diversity of participants of this conference will result in dissemination of mathematical ideas to a broad range of researchers that otherwise might not have been aware of state-of-the-art theories and methods. The participants include both theoretical and computational mathematicians who work on development of fundamentals of this discipline and experts in decision making in a variety of fields such as energy, defense, policy planning, and transportation, where the new methods will have impact. The meeting features world-experts in stochastic and variational analysis. The meeting will involve a large number of students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty who will participate in poster sessions and engage the speakers in technical discussions. The subject of the meeting lies at the intersection of equilibrium and optimization models for decision making and statistical models of learning, forecasting, and uncertainty quantification. The lectures and papers on timely issues will be made available to the mathematical sciences, management sciences, and engineering communities through publication in a special issue of the Mathematical Programming journal. Recorded lectures will be available through the conference website.

Special occasion

The 2017 version of Bay Area Optimization Meeting, is dedicated to Professor Roger J-B Wets on the occasion of his 80th birthday, and to honor his fundamental contribution to Mathematics, particularly his work in variational analysis and optimization.


Registration is free, and attendees must register at the following link. During the registration process, please select if you plan to “Attend only May 12,” “Attend only May 13,” or “Attend both.” Registration is open to May 1 or until the meeting is full. Unfortunately, attendees will not be able to give a presentation as the schedule is already full.

If you are a graduate student or Postdoc interested in financial travel support, please apply during the registration process by selecting “1” under “Apply for financial support.” The deadline to apply for financial support is February 19.


National Science Foundation, UC Davis Mathematics Department, and the UC Davis Graduate School of Management