6235 | OTTBS Impius Somnia Periculo Cupiditatem

6235 | OTTBS Impius Somnia Periculo Cupiditatem

Name: OTTBS Impius Somnia Periculo Cupiditatem
ame Meaning: Wicked Dreams Dangerous Desires
Nickname: Heishan
ID 6235
Phenotype: Grullo frosted appaloosa okapi dun fu calva with bicolor horns (carries flaxen and jester)
Genotype: Ee aa DD nf nLp(frost) nOk nFu nCal nJe nBi
Breed: EquusBallator |Ancient/ modern (50/50) Asiatic Type
Body Type:
Age: 6
Height: 16 Hh
Gender: Mare
Breeding Note

Stat & Hunting Trackers

I record all stats and hunts for my Ballators in the journals below. Please click on the links to be taken to the appropriate trackers.
Stat Tracker | Regale's Quest Tracker | Hunting Tracker


- Under Lowlord Hannibal's Patronage - [Proof]


Heishan follows her name sake well. She is nasty and overbearing. She has no care for others wants and needs: only her own ever matter. This mare can be quite decieving and isn't afraid to get herself dirty. In fact, she seems to enjoy the taste of blood in her mouth.


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: ID 3143
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown

Sire: ID 5020

------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: ID 4824
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: ID 3168
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown

Dam: ID 5175

------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: ID 4809
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown


Price: OTTBS Breeding Rules

[ 💚 = Good to Go | ❤️️ = Needs Something | 💛 = Used ]

01. Baylili00 (Me)
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
02. Zodiac-Stables
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
03. Zodiac-Stables
Mate: ID 4992
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
04. EquusBallatorSociety
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
05. OPEN
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
06. OPEN
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
07. OPEN
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn


Art (c) Baylili00 (Me!) | Reference Used: n/a
Link to Original Deviation