6132 | OTTBS Verba de Draco Perdita

6132 | OTTBS Verba de Draco Perdita

Name: OTTBS Verba de Draco Perdita
Name Meaning: Words of a Lost Dragon
Nickname: Tianteng, Tia

ID 6132
Phenotype: Sable Champagne Dun Archetain (Whorl) Leopard Appaloosa (Mismarked) Calva with Bicolor, Ombre, and Saber
Genotype: Ee AtAt nCh nD AtnAtn nLp(Patn1) nCal nBi nOm
Two Rump Sets Added || Saber Added
Breed: EquusBallator |Asiatic (Ancient) Type
Body Type: Mustang
Age: Unknown
Height: 15.2
Gender: Stallion
Dog Companion
Peep Companion
Hawk Companion
Cosmic Crown || Design
Phoenix Companion
Goat Companion

Stat & Hunting Trackers

I record all stats and hunts for my Ballators in the journals below. Please click on the links to be taken to the appropriate trackers.
Stat Tracker | Regale's Quest Tracker | Hunting Tracker


Not much is known about Tianteng. He is very much a mystery from his personality to his origins. No one can even vaguely trace where he might have a line. Tianteng was found as a young foal in the wilds. He was taken in by a small herd of mountain ballators and grew up with them. It is due to them that he is very strongly connected to Aether and has a strong preference for intelligence. Once he grew old enough, he set out on his own. He wanted to make a life where everyone was treated equally and looked out for everyone's own good.

Thus, he created a herd of many different types of Equus Ballators. He welcomed in anyone and everyone that needed somewhere to call home, or just somewhere to stay.

- Under Highlord Aether's Patronage - [Proof]


He is an anomaly that no one quite understands. Even who he is is very much in spectulation because there isn't even a hint from his everyday behavior. What has come to an understanding is his great intelligence. Tianteng seems to have a greater understanding of the world than most of us can even understand. He appears to have a great respect for nature and dislikes needless violence.


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown


Price: OTTBS Breeding Rules

[ 💚 = Good to Go | ❤️️ = Needs Something | 💛 = Used ]

01. Baylili00 (Me)
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
02. Baylili00 (Me)
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
03. Winzer
Mate: ID 6131
Status: 💛
Foal: ID 6537
04. s-tarsailo-r
Mate: ID 6321
Status: 💛
Foal: ID 6700
05. Little-Fork - Fertilitea OK
Mate: ID 7987
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
06. EclipsisHorreum
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
07. EquusBallatorSociety
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
08. OPEN - 20 stats or 3 hunts
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
09. OPEN - 20 stats or 3 hunts
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
10. OPEN - 20 stats or 3 hunts
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn

11. CLOSED - Advanced Rank
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn

12. CLOSED - Expert Rank
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn

13. CLOSED - Elite Rank
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn

14. CLOSED - Olympian Rank
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn


Art (c) Baylili00 (Me!) | Reference Used: n/a
Link to Original Deviation