233 OTTBS De Malo Pestilentia et Passionis

233 OTTBS De Malo Pestilentia et Passionis

Name: 233 OTTBS De Malo Pestilentia et Passionis
Name Meaning: From the Plague and the Passion

Nickname: Passion
ID 233
Phenotype: Pangere Bay Calva (Tuxedo and Pearl carrier)
Genotype: Ee Aa nPng nTx nCal nPrl
Breed: EquusBallator |African Type
Age: 5
Height: 14.0
Gender: Mare
Registration Note

Stat & Hunting Trackers

I record all stats and hunts for my Ballators in the journals below. Please click on the links to be taken to the appropriate trackers.
Stat Tracker | Regale's Quest Tracker | Hunting Tracker




Passion is a simple little filly. She had lived her life fighting for it. She often will be very aggressive if approached in any way that is not friendly. When she was younger she had been beaten by humans so this caused her to be very weary of them. She gets along fine with other horses and shows a lot of passion when she does something that she loves.


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: ID 706
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: V-006
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown


Price: OTTBS Breeding Rules

[ 💚 = Good to Go | ❤️️ = Needs Something | 💛 = Used ]

01. Baylili00 (Me)
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
02. Zugunruhes
Mate: ID 6885
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
03. PestilentTempest
Mate: ----
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
04. Moon122
Mate: ----
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
05. trekae
Mate: 233 OTTBS De Malo Pestilentia et Passionis
Status: 💚
Foal: Unborn
06. Lycera
Mate: 233 OTTBS De Malo Pestilentia et Passionis
Status: 💚
Foal: ID 4005
07. OPEN - 1 FB w/ BG or 1 Hunt
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
08. OPEN - 1 FB w/ BG or 1 Hunt
Mate: ----
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn
Status: ❤️️
Foal: Unborn


Art (c) Baylili00 (Me!) | Reference Used: N/A
Link to Original Deviation