
by Mechele Newell

A: WHAT are you doing?

B: uh… nothing… just playing… nothing, nevermind.

A: Noooooo no! That was actually pretty good! Do it again!

B: No… you’re just making fun of me. I can’t…

A: Seriously, that was so dope. Please, pretty please… with a cherry on top… Do it again, please.

B: Why? So you can laugh at me, or record me and post it … on one of your little pages so all of your mean friends can laugh at me too? NO!

A: I’m not gonna laugh at you, really. Listen, you’re really good. I mean, you’ll never be as good at me…

B: I KNEW it!

A: No, you know I’ve gotta tease you! Real talk, that was dope. I’m not just saying that either. Please, do it again.

B: I don’t know…

A: I won’t record you, I promise!

B: You’re a liar!

A: True! But I’m being honest right now, I won’t record you. I just want to see you do it again. Come on, one more time. Please…

B: Why are YOU interested in MY dancing all of a sudden? For the last few months, all you’ve done is laugh at me. I’m TIRED of it! I’m actually pretty good, you know?

A: I DO know… this past year has been extremely difficult for me. I know you do not understand that… but it has. I’ve been watching you for a while now. Rehearsals, private lessons… You’ve been working your butt off. I’ve noticed. Heading out to school before breakfast to get a space in the studio, catching rides with friends after school so you could practice with your dance group… since I came home… all I’ve done is watch YOU dance.

B: YOU’VE been watching ME? I didn’t know. I had no idea. Why? I mean, it must be hard to have to watch me dance. You’ve never had to do that before.

A: Yes, I’ve been watching you and you’re right, It’s VERY hard cause I’ve NEVER had to do that before. But I can’t dance now, can I? So, I guess I finally found time to check out my little sis… who decided to break out of her shell and start doing the thang! You are good. And I know it… which is why I’m BEGGING you… please do it again…

B: Okay… but give me your phone first.

A: ugh… here you go! Wait, let me cue the music first!

B: Here we go…

A: Wait… not like that. Remember, the part you were assigned for your audition solo is NOT the part you want. You GOTTA nail it if you want a shot at Clara!

B: Okay… well… What should I do? Do I need more spins? What do I need to do? I mean you said what I was doing was good and NOW…

A: For starters, calm down. You are good. Let’s just talk about how to nail this dance. This is a ballet. It’s not hip hop. You gotta be able to lengthen yourself without looking like you’re ‘bout to jump out your own skin.

B: Okay, like this?

A: Well, kinda, remember as you switch from 5th to 4th position and you’re lowering your left arm, it needs to be more fluid, like pouring water from a glass. You don’t wanna look like you're dumping bricks out the back of a dump truck.

B: O… kay… Let me try again… from The Waltz of the Flowers..

A: Here we go… “Flowers of every hue…” 1,2,3 … 4,5,6… 1,2,3 … 4,5,6… Wow! Oh my gosh! Wait til mommy sees you… she’s gonna be so proud. Wow that was dope… You nailed it! Seriously, you are probably waaaaaay better at this dance than I EVER was.

B: Really? Are you serious? I mean… Do you mean it? I… I practiced so hard, like every single day. Do you really like it?

A: Are you kidding me? I love it! I’m so proud of you. If it wasn’t for this stupid chair, I’d take center stage alongside you ANY day! You are an amazing dancer! I know it didn’t always come easy for you… it must have been really tough dancing in my shadow all those years. But now, it’s your time to shine, you'll be the most beautiful Clara we’ve ever seen!

B: Really? Thank you, thank you! I’m so glad you like it! I better go practice. The auditions start at 4. I’ve only got a couple of hours to get out all my jitters! You coming?

A: Of course! I wouldn’t miss you flopping and flailing around like a fish out of water for nothin’!

B: Ha Ha! I KNOW you’re kidding! Your arms gotta be tired. Let me push you. We’ll get there faster.