The map shows all walls, obstructions, ceilings, floors that can are currently in view or have previously been seen seen. The general look of the battlescape is determined by the mission, the aircraft that have landed at the site and the area where the mission was initiated.

It must be noted that physics and gravity in the battlescape do not apply to any map features, except the units and objects that can be picked up. This means that the entire lower floor of a building or craft can be destroyed and leave the upper floors freely floating in the air.

Battlescape Download

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The bulk of the battlescape scenario will take place here. Here, the player can view the areas of the playing board visible to their pieces and can choose actions for them via the Battlescape Control Bar.

This is accessed by pressing the "Inventory" button on the main battlescape screen and is also shown at the very beginning of a tactical mission. This screen shows the equipment available "on the ground" (or, for the pre-mission phase, in the cargo-bay).

EDIT II: After some more playing around, I am fool. The setting to change the battlescape size has been here all along! Under Game Options --> Video --> Battlescape Scale. Thanks to those that responded though.

1) When in the battlescape, is there a command that allows you to zoom out your view? The amazing new graphics options seem wasted without this capability, so it must exist and I must be missing it.

This is an newly released set. It Includes 2 landscape pieces one large with a bunker, one smaller that can act as a roof or to cover the steel part of the battlescape also includes a steel colored Mongoose that can drive into the bunker. Included with the set are an Orange CQB Spartan with Magnum and Battle Rifle, 2 red Grunts with 2 blue Plasma Grenades each, and a Active Camo Brute with an Active Camo Spiker. All of these figures and the steel Mongoose can only be obtained in this set.

Battlescape is a game that was created early 2010. It is a type of game called a Private-Server. A Private-Server is a privately-made version of a popular game. In private servers, players can obtain many things in different ways than in the real version of the game. Also, in most cases, the way the game is run and played is much faster than the actual game it was made from. Battlescape started as a version 317 server, and quickly evolved to a 562 server. These 317, 562, 604, etc are codes given to the server to help people know what graphics/updates the server has, in parallel design to Runescape. For many months, this server was successful as a 562 based server. Over 2,000 accounts were made, with over 200 different active members that were on at different times. The server had forums near the beginning at: After a few updates, the forums evolved into a full, completely detailed forums page. You can find this page at The forum was uploaded and updated by Skillage and GiftedFury who are our Web Development team. In the more recent months, this server has been changed drastically. Huge corruption happenings and scandalous events have caused the server to have a complete reset. This reset deleted all characters, including their levels, earned items, and everything to do with their accounts. Many players fled the game to explore other servers because they were in outrage with the server because they had lost so much. Some players fled the game because runescape pvp and trade was back to what it was before. In the more recent weeks (February 2011), there have been many updates, which have caused the game to recover most of it's players. The server now has a webclient and highscores. After these were installed, many new players joined, and many current players became more active. Battlescape also got a new game engine and graphics. This makes battlescape a 604 server, rather than a 562 server. The server contains many new items, also found in runescape. There are many items available from the many npc's in battlescape, yet simple items like minigame items from runescape are not in battlescape. Prior to the server reset, these items would be considered customs. These custom items became extremely high priced because people began to become greedy with everything they had. Custom items were taken out due to players being far too greedy with them and overcharging for them. Many items in the game are either Donate-only or Spawn-only. Admins+ are the only players that can spawn items on this server.

The terrain you will fight in will depend on geographic location of the battlescape, certain areas of the world are more suitable for combat than others, generally industrial areas are not the best place to fight. 2351a5e196

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