Moved to Sophos XG from a Fortigate, all seems to work OK but the client. It won't connect. Disbaled SSL inspection, no change. Created a new rule for the PC, disabled all inspection, IPS and the like and put rule at top, issue still remains.

since uses it's own authenticator app, there is no QR code to scan. Instead, you have to download their authenticator app and enter the secret code (named "Serial"), and the generated 1-time password. Download

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There are many implementations for 2FA and we've implemented just one, specifically TOTP or RFC 6238, which is the same as Google Authenticator. I don't have a account but a little googling suggested they're using HOTP or RFC 4226. That means that at least for now 1Password won't be able to store your 2FA details in a meaningful way - sorry about that.


the client does not update, it downloads the update again at every start and tells me to restart the client to update, when I try this shuts down but it does not restart. If I restart it manually, the game starts all over again. The update is never performed.

I recently wanted to play a bit of Overwatch 2, so I installed both the game and the launcher. After a few hours, the launcher was suddenly not able to connect to the internet anymore. I could still play the game if I started the launcher in offline-mode but later that evening, the game got an update, which the launcher was incapable of downloading.

I recently wanted to play a bit of Overwatch 2, so I installed both the game and the launcher. After a few hours, the launcher was suddenly not able to connect to the internet anymore. I could still play the game if I started the launcher in offline mode but later that evening, the game got an update, which the launcher was incapable of downloading. I tried re-installing the launcher in order to see if maybe there had been a faulty installation only to find that I could no longer install it whatsoever.

Currently I can successfully authorize the user for my app which is registered in and then I try to use the authorization code returned from the login to obtain the access token by sending a request to I keep receiving this error:

I couldn't find much about online. There are other oauth related help articles but couldn't really find my way.Wondering if you can help me with this easy stuff. I'm just wondering what I'm skipping here.

Definitely GameMode is part of the issue, I just disable it and and now open faster with less attempts, going to do some more tests also disabling MangoHud and once confirmed what is causing the issue I will mark your post as the solution.

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