This fighting lasted six weeks and saw Azerbaijan, heavily backed and supported by NATO member Trkiye and militarily supplied from Israel, achieve a significant victory against the Armenians. Baku was able to secure territory first on the battlefield and then achieved further concessions from Yerevan in a tripartite ceasefire statement signed on November 10 with Moscow, losing what Armenians had long considered a strategic buffer zone between the NKAO and the Republic of Azerbaijan.5

On the night of 13/14 September, the Ottoman forces began their attacks. The Ottoman forces nearly overran the strategic Wolf's Gate (Azerbaijani: Qurd qaps) west of Baku, from which the whole battlefield could be seen. However, their advance was halted by a counterattack. The fighting continued for the rest of the day, and the situation eventually became hopeless. By the night of 14 September, the remnants of the Baku Army and Dunsterforce evacuated the city for Anzali.[1]

Battlefield 4 Azerbaijan


In recent months, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been involved in intense negotiations to sign a peace agreement with discussions in Brussels, Washington, DC and Sochi. The existence of different formats provided some flexibility for the sides. As mediators are increasingly at odds with each other, Armenia-Azerbaijan relations may become part of an ongoing Russia-West confrontation, which may derail the process. While experts and pundits are exploring ways to avoid that scenario, the South Caucasus is slowly moving toward becoming a battlefield for another rivalry, this time between Iran and Israel.

 Many may wonder what these relations have in common with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh. In the 1990s and 2000s, there was little, if anything, uniting the Karabakh conflict with the Iran-Israel rivalry. The situation started to change around 2010 when Azerbaijan launched its strategic defense cooperation with Israel and began buying billions of US dollars worth of armaments from Israel, including loitering munitions, advanced anti-tank missiles and reconnaissance drones. Israeli weapons proved helpful during the April 2016 Four Day War, while their large-scale deployment during the 2020 Artsakh War played a significant role in securing Azerbaijani military victory. Azerbaijan-Israel cooperation has gone well beyond defense cooperation. Azerbaijan allowed Israel to use its territory for different anti-Iranian activities, including recruiting Iranian citizens who visited Azerbaijan for different reasons. Tehran was always looking cautiously at the growing Azerbaijan-Israel cooperation. Iran was concerned with transforming Azerbaijan into the launchpad of anti-Iranian activities, including the possible spread of separatist ideas among a multi-million Azeri-speaking population along the Iran-Azerbaijan border. In this context, the 130-kilometer Nagorno Karabakh Republic-Iran border aligned with Iranian national interests. Azerbaijan took control of the Nagorno Karabakh-Iran border after the 2020 war in Nagorno Karabakh. Iran officially welcomed the Azerbaijani victory.

The conflict illustrates the effectiveness of drones on the modern battlefield, but also a corollary: the importance of counter-drone systems to defend against them. The United States needs to consider counter-drone systems as part of US military aid to partners and allies. Such systems can help balance the destabilizing effects of drone proliferation.

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev directly credited the drones with Azerbaijan's battlefield success, saying they "shrank our casualties" and helped destroy entrenched Armenian defenses that had been in place for decades.

US tanks were particularly useful in urban combat during the war in Iraq, and Canadian and Danish tanks proved so effective in Afghanistan that the US Marine Corps sent 15 tanks on a similar mission in Helmand province, resulting in fewer attacks on convoys and numerous battlefield successes.

This phenomenon is not new. Non-military historians often talk about how it was the rise of gunpowder that led to the end of the mounted knight in Western Europe. The reality was that it was the rise of mass, disciplined, pike-wielding infantry such as the Swiss Eidgenossen and later the German Landsknechts that doomed the armored knight on horseback starting in the 1200s and accelerating from there. Mounted and armored knights, once the kings of the battlefield, were not degraded and dismounted by a new technology but by one of the oldest. Coherent and single-minded infantry formations are an idea dating back at least to the Greeks from 2,000 years earlier. Training, not technology, was the dominant force.

Drone warfare is used to soften enemy targets before ground forces move into the battlefield. This strategy allowed Baku to preserve its troops while demoralising Armenian forces by keeping them on continuous alert.

Our IDPs have lived all these years with a dream although many of them have wonderful conditions. As you know, this year alone we plan to provide 7,000 apartments to the IDPs. More than 300,000 IDPs have been provided with houses and apartments. They are grateful to us for this care; they have expressed their gratitude in our numerous meetings. But at the same time, I knew it myself and they asked me to return them to their land. They understood that this was a difficult task, they were perfectly aware that this required certain geopolitical conditions. They believed in me, and I told them that we would return them to those lands. I told them that I knew what to do, when and how. The trust people placed in me allowed us the opportunity to resolve this matter. I declare again that I keep all my promises. I am true to all the promises I make. My primary goal as President is the return of Azerbaijani lands, the restoration of territorial integrity, and we are doing it on the battlefield today.

In short, our superiority on the battlefield is no longer a secret. We are on the right path. Ours is the cause of justice. We are fighting on our own land, having martyrs and restoring our territorial integrity. These steps will continue. Armenia must declare before it is too late that it is withdrawing from the occupied territories. After that the fighting may stop.

After their Washington program, the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital will host the delegation in Tampa, with its medical leadership designing a program looking at all aspects of battlefield and war trauma. The Ukrainian National Women's League of America is taking the lead on cultural programming and will provide homestays to their Ukrainian colleagues under an Open World program sub grant from the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation.

Background:  Training partner forces in battlefield first-responder medical skills is an important component of US military advise-and-assist operations. We designed and executed a training curriculum focused on high-yield-based medical skills to prevent death on the battlefield for non-English speaking members of the Turkish, Azerbaijani, and Albanian militaries deployed to Afghanistan.

Conclusion:  Our curriculum resulted in significant improvements in instructor-assessed proficiency and self-reported comfort level for all four basic medical skills. Although our outcome measures have important limitations, this curriculum may be useful framework for future medics and physicians designing battlefield first-responder training curricula for members of foreign militaries.

Despite their failure to prevent the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, the United States and the EU are still the only powers both willing and able to push negotiations forward. Their readiness to continue shuttle diplomacy between Armenia and Azerbaijan is helpful, and the West should continue to try to bring Azerbaijan back to the negotiating table. The prospects for success in the Western-led process may now look small, but if Azerbaijan does not see any reason to return to the table, it may seek to advance its interests on the battlefield instead.

Military-grade autonomous drones can fly themselves to a specific location, pick their own targets and kill without the assistance of a remote human operator. Such weapons are known to be in development, but until recently there were no reported cases of autonomous drones killing fighters on the battlefield.

The historic Mercer Oak, believed to have been present during the Battle of Princeton, once stood on the battlefield near what is now Mercer Road. It collapsed from old age in March 2000. An offspring grown from an acorn of the Mercer Oak in 1981 now thrives next to the large stump of the original tree. 2351a5e196

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