I downloaded another map, the hill conquer (sic.), and went through the same process with it as well, and I can't find it either, except for the game modes airwar, navalwar, and nuclearwar, even though the file says it should play in Standard. Now, the CnC.net client doesn't have standard anymore, so I thought changing the map's game mode in Notepad to Battle (replacement for Standard after the latest update) would work, and it still will not show up. I've searched the internet for anyone having this issue, and all the suggestions I could find are things I've tried.

At dawn of 29 February, in dense fog, the Russians were surprised by a large-scale Chechen breakthrough and were attacked from their rear by a reconnaissance group of about 20 rebel fighters, soon joined by many more who then had them surrounded. After suffering heavy losses (including the death of Major Molodov) from the initial ambush, the rest of the Russians retreated to a hilltop designated Height 776, where they hastily dug defensive positions. They received fire support, including from the regimental artillery battalion's 2S9 Nona self-propelled 120 mm mortars; however, a pair of Mil Mi-24 attack helicopters reportedly turned back after being shot at en route.[10] The only Russian reinforcement that made it to Height 776 were 14 men of the 4th Company's third platoon, personally led by the battalion's deputy commander, Major Alexander Dostavalov. Attempts by the 1st and 3rd Companies, as well as the rest of the 4th Company, to rescue their surrounded comrades or to stop the breakthrough were largely unsuccessful. Eventually, badly wounded Captain Romanov allegedly called for fire support on his own position before being overrun in the final Chechen attack. According to the Russians, 84 of their soldiers were killed in combat at Height 776, including all of the officers. Only six rank-and-file soldiers survived the battle, four of them injured.[1][11]

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The battle continued throughout the following days with very heavy hand-to-hand combat with control of the summit changing hands several times. Finally, at 10:30 on December 5, following another massive artillery bombardment during which Russian Colonel Tretyakov was severely wounded, the Japanese managed to overrun 203 Meter Hill, finding only a handful of defenders still alive on the summit. The Russians launched two counter-attacks to retake the hill, both of which failed, and by 17:00, 203 Meter Hill was securely under Japanese control.

Months passed. During that time, Soviets managed to start advanced space projects. Allied with the Allies, they decided to stop all wars against them and continue existence as a great powerful union in order to prevent another fall of their great power. Although even in peace they kept developing their army, and managed to create many new useful equipment, which could be used in other conflicts in the future. And yes, a new conflict started just after almost a year. Soviets noticed PsiCorps forces in Soviet Union and other "red" countries. Soon after these events surprised Soviets were attacked by enemy forces. Moscow has fallen under massive rush of unknown cloaked vehicles, which division has sabotaged all of Russian Nuclear Reactors. Premier Romanov was shocked when he saw Yuri back and alive. Soviets were trying to defend from his attacks, but PsiCorps managed to conquer all Soviet countries and their neighbours. As Yuri has corrupted the main soviet country - Russia, other Soviet countries have been attacked by rest of Epsilon assault divisions. PsiCorp's new deadly forces and old units were one of reasons the Soviets lost the battle, although the main reason was the total new technology - Psychic Interrupters, which were equipped on tanks, making them invisible, so those could move through Soviet defences and attack from inside of their basements. The Kremlin has been captured by PsiCorps and became new command center, where Yuri commands. Other Soviet countries have almost been totally destroyed by rest of Epsilon cells. Those who survived the massacre in Russia, managed to escape and hide somewhere in the Ural mountains. They knew they must contact Allies and try to stop PsiCorps, even if it was that bad, but they didn't know about Yuri's tower...

This is about an alien race that lives for battle and conquering other worlds. To fail to conquer a world is considered the ultimate disgrace. One of their kind lands on a planet where his sensors detect life, but he cannot find it, even after years of searching.

Most of the powerful Panzer Regiment GD was kept in reserve near Targul Frumos, ready to counterattack any Soviet forces that breached the German line. Von Manteuffel placed his headquarters on a hill behind Targul Frumos that had a perfect view of the entire sector. From this vantage point, the Panzer Baron and his staff would fight the battle with the skill of a maestro conducting a philharmonic orchestra.

Timur decided to finish the rivalry once and for all. He pursued Toqtamysh and finally caught him in a battle on the Kur River. Timur defeated him and then proceeded to break the power of the Golden Horde by inciting and supporting various contenders for the throne, but making sure none could be a threat to his own power. Although Timur effectively conquered the Golden Horde, he did not seek to incorporate it into his empire, perhaps realizing that as a non-Chinggisid prince, he would never be accepted as the ruler in that region. Thus he settled for its continued existence, in a weakened form.

The battle of Ayn Jalut indicated who the dominant power in Syria was to be. The events that occurred after the battle ultimately decided the fate of Syria and Palestine, but the Mamluk victory at Ayn Jalut was the pivotal factor because it showed that the Mongols could be defeated. This encouraged rebellion, and the Mongols were soon driven out of Syria. The victory at Ayn Jalut also gave confidence to the local amirs. As demonstrated at Hims in 1260, the amirs discovered that they could defend themselves without the aid of the Mamluks of Egypt. Thus, in order for the Mongols to reestablish themselves in Syria, they would, in effect, be forced to conquer the country again instead of only having to defeat the Mamluks.

A fleet of seven hundred to eight hundred ships sailed from Korea in November of 1274. The ships carried almost forty thousand soldiers and sailors. They quickly captured the small islands of Tsushima and Iki. The Mongols then landed on Kyushu at Hakata. The Japanese had gathered an army to meet them. The Japanese attacked the Mongol forces and quickly found out why the Mongols had conquered Eurasia. For the samurai, battle was an individualized action, but for the Mongols it was a team sport.

Stranger Things is set in 1980s Indiana, where a teen with powerful psychic powers escapes a sinister government installation. Eleven joins forces with local nerds Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will to battle demogorgons, the Mind Flayer and other monsters, including the chillingly calculating Dr Brenner. 2351a5e196

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