So far, it seems like the only way to download Zoom cloud recordings is to open up each file in the "Recording Management" tab, download that session individually, and delete it. After nearly a year of global domination, one would think Zoom would have implemented a "Download All" button. Am I missing something obvious? Or is there no better way?

I recently helped someone figure out to accomplish downloading all Zoom recordings (1,110) for archive purposes and to avoid having to upgrade their Zoom cloud plan. I ended up using a Python project that I found that assumes the user already has a pretty good understanding of Python as well as technology in general.

Batch Download Zoom Cloud Recordings

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i had the same thing. you need to remove the passcode requirement first. Settings > Recordings > Require passcode to access shared cloud recordings: Toggle off. (alternatively you can just press the box that includes the passcode in the link and press save)

There are two possible ways to move cloud recordings from Zoom to YuJa. The first way is to download the recording to your computer and then upload it to YuJa. The second way is to integrate your Zoom and YuJa accounts and then directly export the recordings.

The first way will work in all conditions, but requires more manual effort. The second option is more efficient if you have multiple recordings to move, however, do note that if your Zoom recordings are older than six months, you may not be able to batch export them this way.

Go to and sign in with your UCalgary IT username and password. Select Recordings on the left. Details of your Cloud Recordings will be displayed. If you have created your Zoom meetings in D2L, you will also be able to find the associated cloud recordings here. Click on the name of the meeting/ topic to access your recording files and details.

IMPORTANT: Open the downloaded files to confirm they are readable. Store them in a safe location on your computer or an external storage device so you may access them later. If you wish to back up your recordings to the cloud, proceed to upload them to YuJa.

A list of your Zoom Cloud Recordings will be displayed. Click the Import button by the name of the meeting recording you wish to bring over. To batch import multiple recordings, you may use the checkboxes on the left to make your selection, then click the Import Recordings button.

Another cheaper alternative is to use cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. They are more affordable than Zoom cloud storage and offer easy integration to import recordings from Zoom.

With all your recordings in a single repository, you can now use them rather than let them sit on the cloud for years. Easily find insightful moments from the Zoom recordings, and clip them. You can then drop those clips together to weave together a storyline.

Unfortunately, that is not currently possible with Zoom. You would need to download them individually. 

An alternative is to use a marketplace integration that would automatically transfer your cloud recordings to another service that does have bulk-downloads, such as Google Drive. This app is one I know of, but haven't used it myself: -m-XkbchJMHg

In the second part of this guide, you will learn how to turn downloadable files from Zoom recordings into datasets that you can analyze in R using zoomGroupStats. Again, because zoomGroupStats relies on Zoom Cloud recording features, this guide will focus specifically on the files that you download from the Zoom Cloud. However, the functions in zoomGroupStats can also be used on meetings that you record locally.

zoomGroupStats is designed to batch proces virtual meetings. Batch processing simply means that you are combining several meetings into a single dataset. Even if you are only analyzing a single meeting, though, it is useful to treat that single meeting as a batch of one. This will help in creating an extensible dataset that you could add to in the future.

String giving the location of the xlsx filethat contains the information for the zoom meetings. All correspondingZoom downloads for the meetings in the batch must be saved in the samedirectory as the batchInput file.

Zoom is not going away. However, Zoom cloud recordings will now be hosted in Panopto rather than Zoom. Beginning 11/23/2020 all Zoom cloud recordings are automatically copied to Panopto. Beginning 2/1/2021 all Zoom cloud recordings will be automatically removed from Zoom after 30 days.

To do this, sign in to your Zoom account and go to the Settings menu on the left. Under the Recording tab, you'll find options to choose between local and cloud recordings, select which parts of the meeting to record (such as audio, video, and chat logs), and set the quality of the recording.

You can use third-party software and online services to download Zoom recordings. These tools might offer additional features like batch downloads or the ability to download recordings from shared links. Choosing reputable and secure tools is important to avoid privacy and security risks.

We just rolled out the first batch of high-res satellite imagery in our MapTiler Cloud map hosting. There is a 25 cm resolution available for the Netherlands, 12.5 cm resolution for Denmark and other areas will follow soon. They are seamlessly integrated into the current mid-resolution cloudless satellite layer which has global coverage.

If you have a Zoom recording stored locally, you can upload it to Google Drive by selecting the file from where you stored it on your computer, just as you would once you've downloaded a Zoom recording from the cloud. If you cannot locate your recording, go to and select the "Local Recording" section. It's next to the Cloud Recording title in the "Recordings" section. You will see a list of the recordings and location where the file is stored on your computer.

Erica Lin, Luna Xu, and Sean Gorsky from Sync Computing will present their work on Spark autotuner and orchestrator.Description:Efficiently managing the infrastructure and schedules of thousands of data pipelines in multi-tenant and heterogeneous environments is a daunting task. Poor application tuning, resource allocation, and scheduling can lead to exorbitant costs on the cloud, sluggish performance, and failed jobs due to the intractable infrastructure search space. Addressing each of these codependent issues separately also often doesn't lead to the best results overall. Sync Computing will share how their autotuner and orchestrator addresses these issues jointly as a single optimization problem. As a result, the solution offers globally optimized Spark configurations, resource provisioning, and job scheduling with configurable optimization goals, enabling a seamless user experience of running DAG workflows in the cloud. We experimentally demonstrate on AWS up to 77% cost savings or 45% performance acceleration of a Spark and Airflow DAG. Simulations of our solution on a multi-day Alibaba cloud trace resulted in a 57% reduction in total DAG completion time for their batch workloads. This work could be complementary to Yunikorn and we would like to discuss potential integration strategies with the community.

For rooms where cloud recording is enabled, end users can start their own recordings using the "Record" button. When a recording is started, a layout is automatically selected for the user based on their current layout: e24fc04721

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