Jose Bastidas


I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire d’Algèbre, de Combinatoire et d’Informatique Mathématique (LACIM),

part of the Université du Québec à Montréal.

I obtained my Ph.D. at Cornell University, where I worked with Marcelo Aguiar.  I previously obtained a MSc and a BSc degree in Mathematics at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) working with Mauricio Velasco.

My research interests lie in algebraic combinatorics. I am specially interested in the interplay between Hopf monoids in the category of Species and hyperplane arrangements.

See my papers on arXiv.

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Recent publications

I am not currently teaching. In the Autumn trimester of 2022, I taught MAT9351 - Combinatoire II at UQAM.

Contact: jdb394 [at]