William H. Bassichis
Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence
College Station, TX 77843-4242
Office: MPHY 316
Phone: 979 845 3137
E-mail: bassichis@physics.tamu.edu
About Me
My research interests include nuclear theory with emphasis on many-body theory and the prediction of the properties of nuclei in terms of constituent interactions, nucleus-nucleus scattering theory, solar energy studies using flat plate collectors and the advantages of a vacuum environment. I have been a member of the Texas A&M physics faculty since 1970. I was previously on the faculty at MIT and served as a staff scientist at Weizman Institute, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaire, Saclay and at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. I received my B.S. degree at MIT and Ph.D. at Case Western Reserve University in 1963, where I was a Corning Fellow. I'm the author of the innovative general physics text for engineers and scientists titled Don't Panic.
A User-Friendly Textbook series by William H. Bassichis
Don't Panic: A Guide to Introductory Physics for Students of Science and Engineering
(OR Publishing, Box 1472 College Station, TX 77841)
Volume I: Mechanics
Volume II: Electricity and Magnetism
Volume III: Thermodynamics and Optics