Policy and Privacy

Dear App Store Review Team,

We are excited to submit our app, BasicCalc, for review on the App Store. Below, we outline our policies and privacy practices to ensure transparency and compliance with Apple's guidelines.

1. Collection of Device ID:

BasicCalc collects device IDs solely for the purpose of enhancing user experience and improving app functionality. The device ID is anonymized and encrypted to protect user privacy. We do not share or sell this information to third parties.

2. Data Usage:

BasicCalc does not store or transmit any personal or sensitive user information. The app is designed to perform basic calculations without requiring access to user data. We prioritize user privacy and adhere to strict data protection standards.

3. Consent:

By downloading and using BasicCalc, users implicitly consent to the collection of anonymized device IDs for the aforementioned purposes. We do not collect any other personally identifiable information without explicit user consent.

4. Security Measures:

We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard collected data, including encryption and secure transmission protocols. Our commitment to data security is aimed at providing users with a safe and reliable app experience.

5. Advertising and Third-Party Services:

BasicCalc does not display third-party advertisements, and we do not integrate third-party services that may compromise user privacy. The app is designed to be ad-free and focused solely on providing a seamless calculation experience.

6. Contact Information:

For any privacy-related concerns, questions, or requests, users can reach out to us at hoquangvan44736@gmail.com. We are dedicated to addressing user inquiries promptly and transparently.

7. Location-Based Services:

BasicCalc does not access or use location-based services. The app does not require location data to function, and we do not track user locations.

8. Updates and Changes:

Any changes to our privacy policy will be communicated through app updates, and users will be prompted to review and accept updated terms.

Thank you for considering BasicCalc for inclusion on the App Store. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of user privacy and data protection.


Thi Thu Ho

[Your Company Name]

