So far I have tried a simple bash file containing python -m base64 -d $1 but this command expects a filename not a string. Is there another non-interactive command (not necessarily in a Python module) that I can run from the command line to achieve this, without having to install any extra packages? (Or if I do, something super-minimal.)

I had a few moments of hair-pulling on this one because the base64 Linux tool and also the openssl can decode, indeed. But I have this particular base64 encoded file that decodes to slightly wrong value. The few bytes do match, but then there is this presence of EF BF BD EF BF BD when I view in hexedit viewer. And then the next sequence of bytes match again when compared to the correctly decoded expected output. These weird sequence of bytes got inserted in the in-betweens, sometime as EF BF BD only.

Base64 Decode Tool Download

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Use this tool to base64 encode and decode a SAML Messages. Paste a plain-text SAML Message in the form field and obtain its base64 encoded version. Or, paste a base64 encoded SAML Message and decode it.

A simple, intuitive web app for analysing and decoding data without having to deal with complex tools or programming languages. CyberChef encourages both technical and non-technical people to explore data formats, encryption and compression.

I need to decode base64 encoded output of a rest service and compare the decoded result with a value from a database, but I don't know how.

I understood that it is possible to decode with javascript, but how can this be done? This is the scenario:

Have you had a chance to look at the Extensibility (Scripting) section of your SOAtest Userguide? You can find this in your Installation Directory or if you navigate to the top toolbar in Parasoft>Help>Help Contents, you will find a plethora of information available to you!!

I am now able to use a stored value from a data bank in Javascript, so thanks a lot for that! 

However, I'm stuck at the decoding part. I was hoping to use the 'atob' function within javascript in the extension tool, but it seems that it's not supported by parasoft. I'm getting the following error: 

Runtime error The function 'atob' is not defined for object '[object Object]'

detected at line 7 of function 'getKeywords' in string starting with: 'var decoded =

Packages.soaptest.api.SOAPUtil '...

The above script will take the take the value that is associated with the test suite variable 'x' and encode the value. It then returns the value to the next tool in the chain and sets a new value for test suite variable 'x'(this only last for this test's execution). The new 'x' value can then be used for the rest of the test in this execution.

Use this tool to decode Base64-encoded strings back into plain text. However, if the original encoded Base64 string represents binary data, such as an image, the decoded output will appear as a series of unintelligible characters. Thus, this tool is optimized for decoding Base64 strings that originated from plain text. To transform text to a Base64-encoded string, use our Tool for Encoding Plain Text to a Base64 String.

Base64 is a versatile encoding scheme primarily designed to represent binary data in an ASCII string format, ensuring its safe transportation and storage in text-based systems. While sometimes employed for plain text encoding to manage special characters or for obfuscation, it's crucial to understand that Base64 does not provide encryption or security. For users leveraging our online tool for Base64 decoding, always ensure that the content being decoded is from a trusted source, as decoding malicious or manipulated data can pose risks.

base64 is a method of representing data in a binary format over text protocols. During encoding, text values are converted to binary values 0-63. Each value is stored as an ASCII character based on a conversion chart.

That is something you can do with my tool: you can use to take a regular expression and a Python function, and have the Python function (that does the decoding) called for every match of the regular expression.

Since we don't need to decode the double quotes (only the BASE64 string), we will use a regular expression capture group to capture the BASE64 character sequence. Remark that captures group are in a list of the match object: oMatch.groups(). We will need the first capture: oMatch.groups()[0].

Now we have a deobfuscated script that we can understand. However, executing this script will fail, as the Decode64 function is still invoked, and the decoded strings are not surrounded by double-quotes.

I am trying to decode a SAML request that comes to gateway , Only one tool was able to perform this using option (URL decode) + (Base 64 Decode + Inflate), I am not sure how we can perform Inflate from gateway.

Because the SAML response data that you are viewing might contain sensitive security data, we recommend that you do not use an online base64 decoder. Instead use a tool installed on your local computer that does not send your SAML data over the network.

When decoding Base64 text, four characters are typically converted back to three bytes. The only exceptions are when padding characters exist. A single = indicates that the four characters will decode to only two bytes, while == indicates that the four characters will decode to only a single byte. For example:

Another way to interpret the padding character is to consider it as an instruction to discard 2 trailing bits from the bit string each time a = is encountered. For example, when `bGlnaHQgdw==` is decoded, we convert each character (except the trailing occurrences of =) into their corresponding 6-bit representation, and then discard 2 trailing bits for the first = and another 2 trailing bits for the other =. In this instance, we would get 6 bits from the d, and another 6 bits from the w for a bit string of length 12, but since we remove 2 bits for each = (for a total of 4 bits), the dw== ends up producing 8 bits (1 byte) when decoded.

Decoding without padding is not performed consistently among decoders. In addition, allowing padless decoding by definition allows multiple strings to decode into the same set of bytes, which can be a security risk.[7]

After encoding the non-padded data, if two octets of the 24-bit buffer are padded-zeros, two = characters are appended to the output; if one octet of the 24-bit buffer is filled with padded-zeros, one = character is appended. This signals the decoder that the zero bits added due to padding should be excluded from the reconstructed data. This also guarantees that the encoded output length is a multiple of 4 bytes.

MIME does not specify a fixed length for Base64-encoded lines, but it does specify a maximum line length of 76 characters. Additionally, it specifies that any character outside the standard set of 64 encoding characters (For example CRLF sequences), must be ignored by a compliant decoder, although most implementations use a CR/LF newline pair to delimit encoded lines.

Unless implementations are written to a specification that refers to RFC 3548 and specifically requires otherwise, RFC 3548 forbids implementations from generating messages containing characters outside the encoding alphabet or without padding, and it also declares that decoder implementations must reject data that contain characters outside the encoding alphabet.[6]

For this reason, modified Base64 for URL variants exist (such as base64url in RFC 4648), where the '+' and '/' characters of standard Base64 are respectively replaced by '-' and '_', so that using URL encoders/decoders is no longer necessary and has no effect on the length of the encoded value, leaving the same encoded form intact for use in relational databases, web forms, and object identifiers in general. A popular site to make use of such is YouTube.[12] Some variants allow or require omitting the padding '=' signs to avoid them being confused with field separators, or require that any such padding be percent-encoded. Some libraries[which?] will encode '=' to '.', potentially exposing applications to relative path attacks when a folder name is encoded from user data.[citation needed]

Before continuing, we should mention that base64 is purely for encoding data, not encryption, as it is designed to be decoded back to its original data, so never use this in place of encryption for security purposes.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to base64 encode and decode from the command-line on Linux. You will also learn what base64 encoding is and why it should never be used to protect data from unauthorized access.

If you are running popular linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, or Red Hat, the base64 command-line tool is typically pre-installed. You should not have to perform any additional steps.

Transferring an ASCII file over the network can cause corruption if not decoded correctly. The reason is ASCII files are string converted to bytes, and when those bytes are decoded incorrectly back to ASCII your data becomes corrupt.

Base64 is a way to convert text and binary code to ASCII characters. This encoding is used, among other things, for e-mail attachments.The tool on this page uses Javascript to convert strings to and from Base64.

I have a file that I want to compress and then encode as base64. Then I want to include that base64 string data within a MAXScript (instead of loading the file from disk). Next, I want to use dotNet to a.) decode the base64 data (possibly using System.Convert.FromBase64String) and finally b.) decompress the data (maybe using System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream) to use it in MAXScript. I included some dotNet methods in brackets as s starting point, but they might not even be the right methods for the task?

but the encrypting dotnet dll which comes embedded in the mentioned mxs encryption tool ( and which does the maxscript encryption in the end i presume ) is heavily obfuscated - am i correct with my conclusion ? 006ab0faaa

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