
Welcome to my webpage! I am currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Physics, Northeastern University (Boston) working with Prof. Arun Bansil.

I completed my Ph.D. in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from the Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, India, under the supervision of Prof. Amit Agarwal.



I am working on modeling the electronic, magnetic, optical, and plasmonic properties of quantum materials, including topological materials and various 2D materials. I extensively use density functional theory (DFT) based ab-initio techniques, Wannier function-based tight-binding modeling, group theory, linear response theory, and other theoretical frameworks for understanding the material properties. 

My Ph.D. work involved exploring a wide variety of topological states and predicting suitable material candidates for their experimental realization. My research work is not focused on a single family of material but includes wide classes of topological states, including topological insulators, topological crystalline insulators, type I or type II Dirac/Weyl semimetals, hourglass Dirac semimetals, nodal line semimetals, among others. I also worked on modeling various experiments like ARPES and EELS during my Ph.D. 

In my postdoc, I am currently focusing on exploring various opto-electronic and transport properties of quantum materials including Dirac/Weyl semimetals, magnetic topological insulators, Axion insulators, Kagome and various 2D materials.


For more recent works, please check out my Google Scholar page.

My research interest lies in a broad area of theoretical condensed matter physics with expertise in material-specific modeling of properties related to topology, quantum geometry and transport, plasmons, and optical properties of materials. I use density function theory (DFT) based first-principles techniques along with material-specific tight-binding methods and analytical modeling to discover, understand, and engineer material properties. I have worked on a variety of materials, including two-dimensional materials, heterostructures, magnetic and topological materials, Axion insulators, etc. I have a strong interest in working in various areas related to machine learning and data-driven approaches, spintronics, strongly correlated materials, superconductivity, and studying materials from the point of view of quantum information/computing applications in the future. A few highlights of my work from various areas are given below (please refer to the publication for details):