(Photograph: Leticia van Neerven / Delft)
 Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft
Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands

I'm an assistant professor in the Analysis research group at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft. Before joining TU Delft, I was a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich in the research group of Prof. Rima Alaifari

I obtained my PhD degree from the University of Genova under the supervision of Prof. Filippo De Mari and Prof. Ernesto De Vito with the thesis Radon Transforms: Unitarization, Inversion and Wavefront Sets.

My research interests include applied harmonic analysis, group representation theory, functional analysis of neural networks and their interactions with inverse problems.

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