We have a Barracuda Message Archiver 150 at a customer site. It began having an issue a few days ago. After speaking with Barracuda support, they determined that there was a message in the journal mailbox that was corrupted and was stopping the archival process. The only thing that the support representative could tell me that it was item 126 (from oldest to newest) in the queue. It says that the items is missing header information. The mail system on that site is Exchange 2010. Being that the archiver does email, calendar events, etc. How can I track down that particular item and either delete it or move it to another folder so archiving can continue? I don't have much experience with Barracuda products so any direction is much appreciated.

21 3a. In the TCP/IP Configuration section, verify the IP address, netmask, and default gateway for your Barracuda Message Archiver (entered in step 4 of Configure IP Address and Network Settings on page 19). 3b. Enter the IP address of your primary and secondary DNS servers (if these have not yet been set up). 3c. Enter the default hostname and default domain name of the Barracuda Message Archiver. 3d. Click Save Changes. Note Whenever the IP address of your Barracuda Message Archiver on the IP Configuration page is changed, you are disconnected from the administration interface. Please log in again using the new IP address. 4. Go to the Basic > Administration page and perform the following steps: 4a. Assign a new administration password to the Barracuda Message Archiver. This is an optional step that is highly recommended for your own security and protection. 4b. Make sure the local time zone is set correctly. Time on the Barracuda Message Archiver is automatically updated via NTP (Network Time Protocol). It requires that port 123 is opened for outbound UDP (User Datagram Protocol) traffic on your firewall (if the Barracuda Message Archiver is located behind one). It is important that the time zone is set correctly because this information is used to determine the integrity of the message archive and in all logs and reports. 4c. If desired, change the port number used to access the Barracuda Message Archiver administration interface. The default port is d. Enter the amount of time for the session expiration length (in minutes) of your Web administration interface session. 4e. At expiration, you are required to log back into the administration interface. 4f. Enter the addresses for your Administrator to receive system alerts and notifications, and other urgent communications from Barracuda Networks. 4g. (Optional) Specify your local SMTP server in the Outbound SMTP Host/Smart Host field. 4h. Click Save Changes. Update the Barracuda Message Archiver Firmware To update the firmware on the Barracuda Message Archiver: 1. Go to the Advanced > Firmware Update page. 2. Read the release notes to learn about the latest features and fixes provided in the new firmware version. 3. Click Download Now next to Latest General Release. Click OK on the download duration window. Updating the firmware may take several minutes. Do not turn off the unit during this process. Download Now is disabled if the Barracuda Message Archiver is already up-to-date with the latest firmware version. Getting Started 21

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22 The Barracuda Message Archiver begins downloading the latest firmware version. You can view the download status by clicking Refresh. A Firmware downloaded message displays once the download is complete. 4. Click Apply Now when the download completes. 5. Click OK when prompted to reboot the Barracuda Message Archiver. A Status page displays the progress of the reboot. Once the reboot is complete, the login page appears. Verify Your Subscription Status Once you install the Barracuda Message Archiver, your Energize Update and Instant Replacement subscriptions are most likely active. However, it is important for you to verify the subscription status so that your Barracuda Message Archiver can continue to receive the latest updates to all virus, policy, and document definitions from Barracuda Central. The Energize Update service is responsible for downloading these updates to your Barracuda Message Archiver. To check your subscription status: 1. Go to the Basic > Status page. 2. In the Subscription Status section, verify that the word Current appears next to Energize Updates and Instant Replacement Service (if purchased). 3. The Barracuda Message Archiver should arrive with the Energize Updates (and Instant Replacement where applicable) subscription already enabled. If it is, then this step can be skipped. Otherwise, to enable your subscription: 3a. Click the Activate link as shown in Figure 3.1. The product activation displays in a new browser window. Figure 3.1: Location of the Activate Link Click to activate your subscription 3b. On the Product Activation page, fill in the required fields and click Activate. A confirmation page opens to display the terms of your subscription. 3c. After a few minutes, from the Barracuda Message Archiver administration interface, click Refresh in the Subscription Status section of the Basic > Status page. The status of your subscriptions displays as Current. Note If your subscription status does not change to Current, or if you have trouble filling out the Product Activation page, call your Barracuda Networks sales representative. 22 Barracuda Message Archiver Administrator s Guide

31 Importing New Messages There are several ways in which the Barracuda Message Archiver can receive new messages for archiving, depending on your network configuration. See the section on Barracuda Message Archiver Configurations on page 13 to determine the best deployment scenario for your corporation. For specifics on how to set up in your environment, please reference the following sections:. Journaling Server Barracuda Spam Firewall Journaling Server This is the recommended method of sending messages to the Barracuda Message Archiver. If your server is capable of journaling, make sure that it is set up and enabled per the directions for your particular server. The Barracuda Message Archiver has been tested and verified to work with many different types of journaling servers, including (but not limited to): Microsoft Exchange Novell Groupwise (6.5 and higher only) IBM/Lotus Domino IPSwitch Imail To set up a Remote Journal Account deployment: 1. Configure your server to journal messages, per the directions for your particular server. 2. From the Basic > Remote Journal Accounts page on the Barracuda Message Archiver, supply the following information for each server from which you wish to archive: 2a. The name of your server 2b. The protocol (IMAP, POP) used to connect to your server 2c. The name of the journaling account, or journaling address, on your server 2d. The password (if required) for the journaling account 2e. Whether or not messages are to be removed from your server once it has been added to the Barracuda Message Archiver 3. Click Save Changes to preserve your settings. 4. The Barracuda Message Archiver will immediately begin pulling messages from the designated journaling accounts. To set up a Designated SMTP Recipient: 1. Identify an address that is to receive all journaled messages. This can be an account created on your server, or it can be an address in the following format: journalname@fully_qualified_domain_name_of_barracuda_message_archiver or username@[ip_address_of_barracuda_message_archiver] Examples: journal@archiver.company.com archive@[ ] 2. Configure journaling on your server so that all journaled messages are actually delivered to the designated address. Configuring the Barracuda Message Archiver 31

32 3. If you created an account on your server, then you will also need to create a forwarding rule on your server to deliver all messages received by that user to the Barracuda Message Archiver. Barracuda Spam Firewall If you have a Barracuda Spam Firewall and your server has journaling capabilities, then it is recommended that you set up Remote Journal Accounts as outlined above. However, if your server is not able to journal messages, you can configure your Barracuda Message Archiver to act as an SMTP proxy to your server and activate the journaling feature that is available on Barracuda Spam Firewall (firmware versions 3.5 and higher) to submit messages to the Barracuda Message Archiver. Note The Barracuda Message Archiver MUST be configured to be the SMTP relay even for all internal traffic, since messages that bypass the Barracuda Spam Firewall will not be available for journaling. Please refer to Figure 2.2: Sample layout for SMTP Relay Deployment on page 15 for an illustration of the required traffic flow. To set up journaling on your Barracuda Spam Firewall: 1. On your Barracuda Spam Firewall (firmware version 3.5 and higher), go to Advanced > Journaling 2. In the Destination Address field, enter an SMTP recipient in the form: username@[ip_address_of_barracuda_message_archiver] Example: archive@[ ] 3. In the Journal Message Bounce Address field, enter the address that is to receive all bounce notifications from the Barracuda Message Archiver. 4. Click Save Changes. 5. The Barracuda Spam Firewall will now begin to send a copy of every delivered message to the Barracuda Message Archiver. You will then need to configure the Advanced > SMTP Proxy setting on the Barracuda Message Archiver to forward messages to your server. 32 Barracuda Message Archiver Administrator s Guide

40 Monitoring the Barracuda Message Archiver This section describes the monitoring tasks you can perform from the Web administration interface and from the front panel of the Barracuda Message Archiver. This section covers the following topics: Viewing Performance Statistics Automating the Delivery of System Alerts Viewing System Tasks Understanding the Indicator Lights Viewing Performance Statistics The Basic > Status provides an overview of the health and performance of your Barracuda Message Archiver, including: Traffic and policy statistics, such as the amount of overall traffic and how many messages have triggered a particular policy category. The subscription status of Energize Updates. Performance statistics, including CPU temperature and system load. Performance statistics displayed in red signify that the value exceeds the normal threshold. These values will fluctuate based on the amount of traffic that is being handled, but if any setting remains consistently in the red for a long period of time, please contact Technical Support. Automating the Delivery of System Alerts The Basic > Administration page allows you to configure the Barracuda Message Archiver to automatically notifications to the addresses you specify. To enter multiple addresses, separate each address with a comma. System alerts notify you when: Your Energize Update subscription is about to expire New firmware updates are available Your system is low on disk space Viewing System Tasks The Advanced > Task Manager page provides a list of tasks that are in the process of being performed and also displays any errors encountered when performing these tasks. Some of the tasks that the Barracuda Message Archiver tracks include: Importing historical s Configuration restoration If a task takes a long time to complete, you can click the Cancel link next to the task name and then run the task at a later time when the system is less busy. The Task Errors section will list an error until you manually remove it from the list. The errors are not phased out over time. 40 Barracuda Message Archiver Administrator s Guide 2351a5e196

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