Barcelona Bibliophiles

Interdisciplinary, non-fiction book club

About the book club

We are an interdisciplinary, non-fiction book club in Barcelona. We read and discuss engaging and thought-provoking books about important ideas. The books we pick are general interest non-fiction works, typically related to some (broadly defined) human endeavor.  

The discussions are interdisciplinary and non-technical, so they don’t require any prior knowledge about a particular topic.

What types of books do we discuss?

We discuss general interest non-fiction books that deal with an important topic, are relatively short, and are written in beautiful prose. We try to pick books that are interesting to people from many walks of life. You can check out the books we discussed in the past in the Calendar tab.


We meet once every month in Barcelona. We don't meet during a fixed week each month. Instead, our meeting could be scheduled for any week of the month, depending on our members' availability and preferences. We usually meet close to the UPF Ciutadella Campus. Anybody can join the book club and it's free.

We post information about upcoming meetings (and past meetings) in the Calendar tab. 

How to join

We have a WhatsApp group where we share all the relevant information about upcoming events. To join, drop me (Daniel) an email at my Gmail address (bankidaniel).


Daniel Banki

Daniel is a PhD student at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He finds beauty in trying to understand human behaviour. More about him here:

Mariona Novoa 

Mariona is a long-time Universitat Pompeu Fabra community member. She is an aficionado of 20th-century culture, art, and literature.