What is Kratom

Mitragyna Speciosa, also known as Kratom is tree, not an herb, which is native to Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Thailand, the Malaysian Floristic Region and several surrounding countries. The leaf of this tree is typically ground into a fine powder and ingested orally for many medicinal purposes. These include, but are not limited to Pain Relief, Decreased Anxiety, Mood Enhancement, Decreased Hypertension, Decreased Fatigue, Increased Focus, Relief of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Increased Energy and more.

This leaf has been used for centuries by the indigenous populations of these regions for increased energy, relief of dysentery, sedation in higher doses, pain relief and focus. The leaf was originally chewed or crushed and boiled for tea.

Kratom effects the opioid receptors in the brain similarly to an opiate, although it is NOT an opiate. Kratom News is NOT a substitute for opiates. Over the last several years Kratom has been used as an aid for the management of opium withdrawal and is currently being endorsed by several addiction treatment clinics throughout the United States. In addition to its many natural benefits, it has been found to successfully curb the craving and withdrawal symptoms experienced by opiate addicts.

Kratom has seen extensive therapeutic use in Thai ethno-medicine as an anti-diarrheal, a treatment for opioid dependency, and the increase of sexual performance. The general consensus in Thailand among public health officials, academics and policymakers is that the use of Kratom causes little to no health risks.

Kratom Deaths
Kratom Deaths
Kratom Deaths
Kratom Alabama
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