It provides services to both individual and business clients; the core business activity of PKO Bank Polski being retail banking. The full Polish name roughly translates to "General Savings Bank", popularly, only the acronym "PKO" is used by clients.

On 7 February 1919, by the order of the Head of State Jzef Pisudski, the Postal Savings Bank was created. Its first director was appointed on 28 December 1919, Hubert Linde [pl]. For many years during the Second Polish Republic, Henryk Gruber was the president of the PKO. With time, a bank's head office was established in Warsaw with headquarters at ul. witokrzyska 31/33 and the first local branches: in Krakw, Lww, d, Pozna and Katowice. The first goal of the PKO was to introduce the Polish zloty into circulation instead of the Polish mark (as a derivative of the German mark). From 1920, the bank had a legal personality as a state institution. The employees of the funds were associated in the Association of Postal Savers Workers, which had their own wheels at larger branches, e.g. in Warsaw, in d.[12]

Bank Polski

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From 1975 to 1987, the PKO branches operated within the structures of the National Bank of Poland, retaining their identity.On 1 November 1987, PKO Bank Polski became an independent bank again, as part of the economic reforms implemented by the communist government of Poland in its last years.

Because of its size and position as one of the first banks, PKO Bank Polski is still one of the best recognized and most valuable brands in Poland. Specialists from The Banker magazine estimated the value of Bank's brand at US$1 billion and in Rzeczpospolita "Polish Brands 2010" ranking its value was set at PLN 3.6 billion.[15] In the 2011 edition of ranking "The BrandFinance Banking 500" prepared by the British firm Brand Finance, which includes the most valuable bank brands in the world, PKO Bank Polski brand was valued at US$1.480 billion. It gives PKO Bank Polski the 1st place in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe and 114th place in the world.[16]

Zaloguj si do bankowoci internetowej GOonline lub aplikacji GOmobile i dostosuj na kalkulatorze spat karty kredytowej do swoich potrzeb. Wybierz liczb (od 6 do 48) i wysoko rat. Moesz utworzy plan ratalny dla transakcji powyej 200 z, take wykonanej przez Google Pay i Apple Pay.

If you're making an international transfer to a PKO BP bank account, or if someone is transferring you cash to your PKO BP bank account in Poland, you'll be asked for a BIC/SWIFT code along with details like the bank address. However, using traditional banks to send money abroad can be slow and expensive. Try Wise for fast, cheap and secure international money transfers.

If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. They may be able to cancel the transaction. If it's too late to cancel, you might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money.

"PKO Polski Bank has a responsibility to help Poland's economy grow. We want to build the bank of the future, and to do that, we need the most innovative technology. By choosing Google Cloud, we believe we will have access to the tools we need, now and in the years to come."

Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski S.A. 's (PKO BP) deposit and senior unsecured debt ratings incorporate its baa2 Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA); two notches of uplift for the deposit ratings and one notch of uplift for its senior unsecured debt rating, following the application of our Advanced Loss Given Failure (LGF) analysis; and one notch of uplift based on our assumption of a moderate likelihood of support from the Government of Poland (A2 stable) for the bank's deposits and senior unsecured debt ratings.

PKO BP's baa2 BCA reflects the bank's strong capitalisation and good profitability. The BCA also reflects our view that PKO BP has adequate risk-absorption capacity against the expected deterioration in asset quality because of the low-growth environment, and against the risk stemming from its exposure to legacy Swiss franc mortgages. The baa2 BCA also reflects the bank's stable, mostly retail, deposit-based funding profile and a concentration of its liquid assets in government bonds.

Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any risks that may be associated with these banks or financial institutions or the jurisdictions they operate in, nor any transactions that you or any other person may undertake with these organisations. Wise may not provide services in the jurisdiction in question. For a list of our supported countries, please see here.

The project contributes the Resilient transition quality by helping a systemically important bank in Poland to meet its regulatory requirements towards a loss absorbing funding base as well as building its resilience to market and regulatory shocks.

PKO BP is Poland's largest financial group, accounting for around 16% of sector's assets, 17.4% of loan portfolio, and 17.8% of deposits. The bank had total consolidated assets of PLN 439 billion (EUR 90.4 billion) as of 30 September 2022. The State Treasury is PKO BP's largest stakeholder, with a 29.43% stake as of December 30, 2022. Nationale Nederlanden pension fund holds 8.15% and Aviva pension fund holds 7.26% of total shares.

In 2013, the bank began working with DXC Technology to deploy IKO. The results have been impressive: In 2017, the IKO user base was 2 million customers, who made an estimated 32 million transactions using the mobile app. But IKO is more than a means of making payments. It is a mobile banking center where customers can check information about their accounts, cards, loans and deposits, transfer money, withdraw cash from ATMs without a card, make contactless payments, manage deposits and more.

Today, IKO is the most popular mobile banking application in Poland. Based on feedback from more than 140,000 users, IKO ranks No. 1 in Google Play, Apple App Store and Windows Phone Store, with ratings at about 4.7 out of 5.

In 2018, Retail Banker International, a global editorially independent retail banking briefing service, evaluated 100 applications from banks all over the world and selected IKO as the best mobile banking application.

PKO Bank Polski, founded in 1919, is one of the largest financial institutions in Poland, and the largest Polish bank. Its services include banking and brokerage products, and specialised financial services in the area of leasing, factoring, investment funds, pension funds and life insurance. The bank has operations in Central and Eastern Europe and in the United Kingdom.

This page evaluates PKO Bank Polski's responses to instances of alleged human rights violations linked to its finance, raised by civil society organisations. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but covers selected impacts raised by BankTrack and other civil society partners since 2016. For the full scoring methodology, see here. For more information about BankTrack's evaluation of bank responses to human rights impacts, see the 2021 report "Actions speak louder: assessing bank responses to human rights violations".

The PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group develops not only in its traditional area of operations, i.e. retail banking. It is also the leader in servicing corporate Customers and companies and enterprises (in particular in respect of financing them), and on the market of financial services for communes (gminy), counties (powiaty), voivodeships and to the budget sector. It is also the major managing underwriter of issues of municipal bonds.

The PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group has the largest share in the Polish banking sector (20.0%), in loans (17.0%), in sales of mortgage loans (20.4%) and the market for investment funds for individuals (20.6%). PKO Bank Polski S.A. is the leader in terms of current accounts and payment cards.

Santander Bank Polska is one of the largest and most innovative financial institutions in Poland. It is also one of the most fastest-growing banks in the country, providing services to individual customers, SMEs and large corporates, and offering financial services to the highest standards, supported by modern banking technology.

Santander completed the acquisition of 96% of Bank Zachodni in 2011. In 2013, Bank Zachodni WBK merged with Kredyt Bank, becoming the third largest bank in Poland in terms of assets, liabilities and loan portfolio. In 2018, the bank was rebranded as Santander Bank Polska and acquired the retail business of Deutsche Bank Polska, strengthening its position on the Polish banking market.

Jestemy jedn z najwikszych instytucji finansowych w Europie rodkowo-Wschodniej - zapewniamy skal 9 mln klientw, 2,5 mln klientw mobilnych, ponad 1 tys. oddziaw i 8 mln kart bankowych.

Wsppracujc z nami moesz testowa swoje rozwizanie i technologi w dedykowanych oddziaach laboratoryjnych - moesz sprawdzi jak reaguj na nie klienci banku lub jak usprawnia ono procesy w oddziale.

No! Metaverse for PKO Bank Polski is a new space that will enable a different approach to using technology in digital communication with clients in an easy and pleasant way. Metaverse, just like the Internet today, will become a new way of using banking services.

Narodowy Bank Polski zosta utworzony 15 stycznia 1945 dekretem Krajowej Rady Narodowej[2], zastpujc Bank Polski Spk Akcyjn. Pocztkowo funkcjonowa jako bank pastwowy pod nadzorem ministra skarbu. Do koca lat 80. zajmowa si dziaalnoci oglnobankow: by monopolist nie tylko w dziedzinie emisji pienidza, ale take udzielania kredytu i gromadzenia oszczdnoci. W czasie przemian ustrojowych wydzielone zostay z niego banki regionalne i komercyjne, a sam NBP zaj si emisj pienidza i polityk pienin pastwa (funkcja monetarna).

Zadaniem Rady Polityki Pieninej (RPP) jest coroczne ustalanie zaoe i realizacja polityki pieninej pastwa. Rada ustala wysoko podstawowych stp procentowych, okrela zasady operacji otwartego rynku oraz ustala zasady i tryb naliczania i utrzymywania rezerwy obowizkowej. Zatwierdza plan finansowy banku centralnego oraz sprawozdanie z dziaalnoci NBP. ff782bc1db

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