The Super Secret Cat Page

Congratulations weary traveller you have reached a very special place. The super secret cat page! These are the adventures of Cave Cat and their friends, our treasure and web gremblins of 2021-2023 mascot. Enjoy their woollen adventures on the club trips and rest yourself for a while. 

Admiring crabs, reading surveys and watching the Yorkshire landscape during Bullpot 2021. 

"Helping" out with SRT practice September 2021

Left: Having fun, deep in Oxlow Caverns. TSG 2021.

Right: Suffering in the snow during CHEC 2021 

Aboveground shenanigans with Ramstien and Mountain cat during SWCC 2022 

Tentage and about ground fun during NCHECC 2022 

Fun and games at the hut and underground during the Bangor-Cardiff joint trip (2021)

More underground adventures during Clownfess 2022 with Mountain cat having a further go at SRT.

Cwmorthin on home ground showing Cave Cat. Day trip 2022

New fans, new caves (Mayday and Speedwell) and lots of adventures had on the BPC trip 2022.

A bit of castle spotting was done during the TSG bonfire trip, 2022.

Exploring shatter cave during CHECC 2022

Enjoying  TSG at Christmas with mines and caves!

Enjoying a copper mine, January 2023.

Back to South Wales again! SWCC 2023

Slate mine fun! 2023.

Bangor's Big Dales Dinner! July 2023