Caving and Hangovers

Top tips for hungover caving

  1. Make sure you drink water and eat at 4am before you go to sleep. The more the better - prevention is always better then the cure!

2. Drink and eat as much as you can stomach in the morning after the night - fight the urge to not eat. Remember - no breakfast no caving!

3. Cold showers in the morning are good for most people. Failing that get one of your "friends" to spray you with a kit cleaning hose.

4. A calm gentle approach towards yourself and others and to you will be always appreciated. However this may depend of how you behaved last night. The louder and ruder you were then the less people will treat you nicely.

5. Ensure you’re on a chill trip. The more pointless, small, easy, bailable, and horizontal, the better. An epic when hungover is "Not the one".

6. When you finish the cave go and buy food at the nearest establishment.

Remember - you could just not drink!