What are caves?

A natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large enough to admit the entry of people. They can occur in a wide selection of rock type and can range in size.

How are caves formed?

The main type of cave formation is a solution cave which are formed in carbonate and sulfate rocks (Limestone, dolomite marble are some examples of this rock type). Ground water dissolves the rocks to form tunnels , passageways and large cavens, along joints and bedding planes. Most caves are this type.

Caves can also be formed by Lava as tunnels and tubes in form when the outer surface of a lava flow cools and hardens and the molten lava drains out. Sea caves are formed by the constant action of waves attacking the weaker portion of rock.

What is the difference between caves and mines?

Mines are man-made underground structures normally used for the extraction of metals and other important minerals. Caves are natural formations caused by the action of water upon dissolvable rock.

Where are caves in the UK?

In the UK there are 4 major caving regions: The Dales, the peaks , South Wales and the Medips. North Wales is a minor caving region.

What do you do in caves?

Depends what you want to get up to! You can of course take pictures and document cool formations found within the caves. Scrambling and crawling through of course is a must. You can also explore new sections of caves that you haven’t been before

What are the types of caves?

Firstly caves can be split into the categories of wet and dry caves. Dry caves are fossil caves where the water doesn’t run through the cave anymore. Wet caves still have water flowing within them. Caves can be a combination of both wet and dry.

Secondly caves can be split into the direction of travel. Horizontal caves are where you are mostly travelling along with very few vertical sections which can be easily traversed. Vertical caves on the other hand have large drops and have to be descended by abseil using an SRT kit.

What do you need to wear?

A general guide is warm underclothes (T- shirt fleece leggings). On top of this will go an oversuit to protect against mud and sharp rocks. On the feet go wellies for stomping throught mud and water, Helmets with torches are required too to make sure you know where you are going and don’t accidentally knock yourself out on a rock! If a cave is vertical a SRT kit will be added to the mix.

What is SRT?

SRT stands for Single rope Technique and is used in vertical caves to ascend and descend pitches and to protect yourself on traverses.