An app offering 3 full length Bangla Academy dictionaries in 12MB containing 3000+ pages of information. This app gives say-and-get-meaning facility. It also gives word-starting and word-ending search capability. Besides, this app has built-in search tag feature making search operation more dynamic and diversified. As a powerful tool of language learning, this app can play a great role to learning and practising both bangla and english language.

The Academy publishes six journals: the bangla academy patrika (quarterly), Uttaradhikar (quarterly), the Bangla Academy Bijnan Patrika (half-yearly), the Bangla Academy Journal (half-yearly in English), Dhanshaliker Desh (juvenile quarterly) and Lekha (monthly). Apart from publications, the Bangla Academy also holds seminars and discussions on different subjects, cultural functions, etc. It arranges Bangla language courses for foreigners as well as technical training and Bangla word processing. It has a young writers' project and also provides research scholarships. The annual book fair held in February has become an important literary and cultural event, for which writers and publishers strive to publish new books. Lectures are arranged during the month on various aspects of Bangla language and literature. Cultural functions are also held throughout the month, highlighting Bengali culture. The Bangla Academy Literary Award given on the occasion of ekushey february is considered a very prestigious award. [Bashir Al Helal]

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Die Bangla Academy ist eine von der bangladeschischen Regierung gefrderte Institution in Dhaka zur Erforschung und Frderung der bengalischen Sprache, Literatur und Kultur. Sie wurde am 3. Dezember 1955 im Burdwan Haus auf dem Gelnder der University of Dhaka gegrndet, wo sie auch heute noch ihren Sitz hat. Strukturen und Funktionen wurden nach dem Vorbild der Acadmie franaise entwickelt.

Indeed, dictionaries have had a special place in the academy's work in the academic arena. It has produced quite a number of them. Bangla Academy claims that after 110 years of efforts to formulate a standard Bengali dictionary, it was the academy that finally came up with a Standard Bengali Dictionary in 2011. The Evolutionary Dictionary of Bengali language is another of its major works, consisting of three volumes, each consisting of about a thousand pages. ff782bc1db

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