Privacy Agreement

Welcome to the Ball's Path game! Before using this application, please read the following Privacy Agreement to understand how we collect, use and protect your personal information.

Collection of personal information

We do not collect your personally identifiable information such as name, address or phone number. However, we may collect some non-personally identifiable information for the purpose of improving the game experience and providing personalized advertising services.


We use third-party advertising service providers to display ads within Ball's Path games. These ads may collect anonymous usage data such as clicks, viewing time and game interaction behavior to provide more relevant advertising content. Please note that advertising service providers may use their own privacy policies and technical means to collect and use this information.

Protection of minors

Ball's Path games are not directed at children under the age of majority. If you are a minor, please use this application under the supervision of a legal guardian. If we become aware that personal information from a minor has been collected without the consent of the guardian, we will delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

security measures

We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, please note that the security of Internet transmissions cannot be guaranteed and therefore we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information you transmit to us.

contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, or wish to access, correct, or delete your personal information, please contact us via the following contact information:


Please note that we may update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices and legal requirements. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly review the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

Thank you for trusting and using Ball's Path game!