Ballance Up

Privacy Policy for Ballance Up

Last Updated: 22.12.2023

Welcome to Ballance Up! As the developer of this game, I am committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how data is handled when you download, install, and play Ballance Up. Please read this policy carefully and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the privacy practices.

1. Who I Am

My name is Alexander, the developer behind Ballance Up. You can find my contact information at the end of this policy.

2. Data Collection

In Ballance Up, I do not intentionally collect any personal data from users. However, the game uses third-party tools which may collect information as described below:

a. Crashlytics

To report any bugs or crashes in the game, Crashlytics, a service provided by Google, is used. Crashlytics may collect data such as your device state, device identifier, and OS version, solely for diagnosing and resolving issues with the game.

b. Google Analytics for Firebase

Google Analytics for Firebase is utilized to understand user interactions within the game. It collects information about gameplay and interactions, which is anonymized and used to improve the game's performance and user experience.

3. Use of Information

The information gathered by Crashlytics and Google Analytics for Firebase is employed in the following ways:

4. Sharing of Information

Personal data is not shared with any third parties, except as necessary for the functioning of Crashlytics and Google Analytics for Firebase as described above.

5. Data Security

I do not store any data, personal or otherwise, on users' devices. All data collection and processing are carried out by Crashlytics and Google Analytics for Firebase. These services manage their own data security according to their privacy policies and security measures. For detailed information on their data security practices, please refer to the privacy policies of Crashlytics and Google Analytics for Firebase here Privacy and Security in Firebase (

6. Changes to This Privacy Policy

Updates to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page and communicated as needed. Users are encouraged to review this policy periodically for any changes.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me at: