Bali Ayu Massage
We bring massage and reflexology treatments to your home for you and your beloved family. Presenting various types of treatments that will pamper you and your family through the skilled hands of our experienced therapists. Our service area includes any place where you are:
Hotel / lodging
Boarding / rented house
Terms and Conditions:
We do not serve or provide services or contents that smells immoral, human trafficking or pornography and the like that violate the law.
Last order at 18:00
We do not serve customers who are in unhealthy conditions (flu, cough, fever, etc.).
Our calling area covers Denpasar area and its surroundings.
Additional transportation costs for areas outside the Denpasar area.
Our massage services serve men and women, couples, the elderly, children and toddlers.
To follow the standard SOPs from the government while providing services, both before and after treatment, we still maintain existing standard health protocols such as:
Washing hands
Using a sanitizer
Wear a mask during treatment
Discover the millions of health benefits of pampering yourself through the touch of our natural SPA massage!
Balinese Massage
60 minutes👉 200.000
90 minutes👉 250.000
120 minutes👉 300.000
Balinese Massage & Foot Reflexology
60 minutes👉 220.000
90 minutes👉 270.000
120 minutes👉 320.000
Balinese Massage & Traditional Facial Massage
90 minutes👉 250.000
120 minutes👉 300.000
150 minutes👉 350.000
Balinese Massage & Traditional Kerok
90 minutes👉 250.000
120 minutes👉 300.000
150 minutes👉 330.000
Balinese Massage & Body Scrub
90 minutes👉 310.000
120 minutes👉 360.000
150 minutes👉 400.000
Pamper yourself and your family with health and relaxation treatments that are healthy and soothing!
Balinese Massage
The mainstay menu of a natural massage place is of course Balinese traditional massage. This Balinese-style spa and massage is a favorite of foreign tourists, because the pressure and methods are suitable for both foreign and domestic tourists. The techniques used include pressure, exploration, and oiling. But broadly speaking, Balinese spa uses medium pressure massage with complete pressure points. Starting from the feet to the head.
Foot Reflexology
The purpose of foot massage is to relax muscles and relieve pain. Reflexology treatment focuses on nerve endings, which are found in and around the muscles and bones in the feet. The goal is not just relaxation, but healing and preventive forces that affect the entire body, not just the legs.
Traditional Facial Massage
Traditional facial massage or facial massage is a fun relaxation technique. When doing facial massage, pressure is applied to several points on the face, neck and shoulders so that blood flow is smoother.
Traditional Scrubbing (Kerok)
(Kerok) Scrubbing is believed to relieve complaints of aches, weakness and aches in the body. Scrubbing is done by rubbing a coin or a special scraper with a blunt edge, onto the surface of the skin that has been previously smeared with massage oil.
Body Scrub
Scrubbing or body scrubs have many benefits not just cleaning the skin from dirt or dead skin that has settled, making skin clean, removing spots, removing dead skin, shinier, removing scars, making skin smoother and making you fresher.
In a healthy body, there is a strong soul! So love and take care of your body!
Please contact us for service details and SPA massage reservations to your place!
Gusti Ayu Kade Dwi Puspita
0819 1633 1011
Jl. Pandu, No. 48, Dalung, Kuta Utara, Badung - Bali