Procedure of Baldness Treatment 

Common procedures for replacing hair include hair grafting, also known as a hair transplant, which is an outpatient procedure that is carried out in the dermatologist's office. Slit grafts have between four and ten hairs per graft, punch grafts have between 10 and 15 hairs per graft, and micro -grafts only have one to two hairs per graft. Mini-grafts (containing two to four hairs) and strip grafts (containing 30 to 40 hairs) are also available. Sedation is offered if necessary for comfort and relaxation. Local anesthetic is injected into the scalp.

What Happens Before, After, and During Hair Grafting?

The dermatologist first removes a portion of the hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head for hair grafting. The scalp is then cut into small sections by the surgeon, each of which contains a different amount of hair. These grafts, when transplanted into the balding area, give the appearance of a very subtle thickening and are called "natural."

Most of the time, 50 or more hair-bearing segments are transplanted during each session. Stitches are used to close donor sites, and the surrounding hair usually covers them up. The scalp will be cleaned and covered with gauze and, if necessary, a bandage following the grafting session. The stitches will emerge after about ten days.

What amount of time Does Hair Joining Require?

It may take several sessions to attain satisfactory "fullness." A two-to-four-month healing process is typically recommended following each session.

Will a hair graft cause any discomfort or adverse effects?

Most secondary effects that accompany hair uniting typically disappear inside one to three weeks. Among the most typical adverse effects are:

Scalp reduction is the removal of non-hair-bearing skin from the scalp so that the remaining hair-bearing skin can be stretched to fill in the bald area of the head. Swelling, bruises, and bruising around the eyes Crusting on the "donor" and "recipient" sites of the scalp A lack of feeling or sensation around the "donor" and "recipient" sites of the scalp Itching at the "donor" site The bald area can be reduced by as much as half with scalp reduction. It is done to cover bald spots on the top and back of the head and has not been found to help the frontal hairline.

How is scale reduction accomplished?

A bald section of the scalp is removed after a local anesthetic is injected into the scalp. After that, the surrounding skin is loosened and gently stretched, bringing the sections of the hair-bearing scalp together and stitching them shut. Hair grafting can be performed in conjunction with this procedure.

What are the negative effects of scaling?

After scalp reduction surgery, pain will be slightly greater than after punch grafting. Non-aspirin-based pain relievers are used to treat headaches, which can occur. For a few months, mild scalp tightness may be felt.

Baldness Treatment In Islamabad