The Gift God Wants - Finding Joy and Peace in a Life of Surrender

Did you know that God actually wants your problems? You don't need to fix things up or try to make your life look pretty before you hand it all over to Him. The Bible says all our good deeds are like filthy rags, anyway; so who are we kidding? God desires for you to turn your life over to Him completely. The only thing He needs from His children is complete and total surrender. Only then will we find our purpose and become who He created us to be.

Through her genuine and transparent stories, Lenae Litzinger invites you on a heart tugging journey as she learns to start letting go of her fear and pride. The Gift God Wants includes personal stories that center around the main theme of giving yourself completely to God by listening to the Holy Spirit, embracing brokenness, and surrendering your sinful will to Christ. You will find her writing style inviting as she lets you take a peek into her soul while she passionately shares the work God is doing in her life.

“I had not indented to read this book in one long sitting, but I didn't really want to to stop reading.”

“The Gift God Wants is a well-written, introspective look at one woman's journey from self-reliance to total surrender to the will of God..”

“This book will appeal especially to young women who enjoy narrative, journal-like devotional reading. But even a middle-age dude like me can enjoy and be inspired by her writing!”

“It's been a while since I've read such a genuine testimony of God's faithfulness; one that paints such a beautiful picture of how an individual's life can be shaped and molded by our Creator. The Gift God Wants is a timely, moving, and encouraging must-read.”

"Lenae's writings will draw you in, inviting you to reflect, think, pray, smile, and even laugh."

Latest Stories and Reflections....

While I'm Waiting...

By Lenae Litzinger

I recently got the chance to live like I was dying. The experience brought to light several really important issues in my life.

While I'm Waiting

Jesus Wept, So I Will Too

By Lenae Litzinger

Jesus experienced, on a human level, what it’s like to lose a loved one too early. He knows our pain. He knows.

Jesus Wept, So I Will Too