Infos for Econ Research Associates Uni Bonn


I am the current representative of the research associates / academic staff (PhD students and postdocs) at our economics department in the faculty council (since summer term 2024 for two years). 

The Faculty Council ("Fakultätsrat") decides how faculty resources are used (funds and materials, personnel, rooms, etc.) and discusses fundamental questions of research and teaching. This includes, among other things, the establishment or discontinuation and closure of study programs as well as study and examination regulations. In addition, the faculty council may be involved in the awarding of academic degrees and titles. The faculty council is composed of elected professors, student representatives, academic staff as well as technical employees. These are elected in each of the two departments. The faculty council also elects the dean and, if necessary, other members of the dean's office. 

The General Assembly Meeting of the research associates / academic staff (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende) takes place on the respective monday before the faculty council meeting and serves to share information and to discuss any interests and views that we want to bring in. 


Dates and Links


Department and Faculty Council meetings:  

General Assembly Meetings academic staff (always at 5pm via zoom): 

Upcoming Elections:
