Personalize Chrome on your computer with a fun theme. The theme appears around the border of the browser and as the background when you open a new tab. Your Chrome themes are stored in your Google Account, so when you sign in to Chrome on any computer, you see the same theme.

A good overview to change things with css: Getting comfortable with Obsidian CSS

That should allow you to select the background and find the right selector. You can save your changes as a snippet, and they will be applied on top of your theme: Add custom styles

Background Changer Theme Download


You can further customize your theme by modifying its file in .obsidian/themes or by using CSS snippets. To use a snippet, simply save it in a CSS file in /.obsidian/snippets/. We recommend editing the CSS file using something like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to properly highlight and format it, as invalid CSS will not work.

When we insert an app frame (with a white background) into Jam (white), at scale, our design becomes indistinguishable due to the white background of the board itself, and this cannot be changed.

Please add Background color setting to the FigJam board.

To Figma team developer I want a feature for the Figjam file ( drawing feature ) I want the feature to change the background to dark color because when I drawing something at night if Figjam has this feature dark color its will so good for my eyes.

Its been a while since ive changed my chrome background from an old web store one and i had my custom background image and the task bar color from the old one but today something glitched and it put my old background back but when i change it the theme colour also changed. is there some way i can keep the theme but change the background?

Please reset the background via Appearance > Customize > Layout and Design > Background Patter | Background Image. Select an image for both of them to reset the current background and then remove it. Then save.

I am using a theme with a black background at the moment (Mandy Miller). There are no color options for this theme. I would like to switch to a white background and have tried several other themes that supposedly have a color palette. However, while I can see that the fonts are changing when I switch themes, the background remains black and changing from "dark" to "light" doesn't change anything. How can I get rid of the black theme background?

Are you sure you're using Mandy Miller? I ask because it's a Cento theme variant and that theme does include the option to change background colour for the body of the website, also the default colour is not black.

To change the background colour on Cento click on an empty part of the webpage body and a popup should appear just below the nav menu. Click 'EDIT BACKGROUND>CHANGE COLOR and you can input any #Hex colour you want. Pure white is ffffff.

I set my background to slideshow that changes every 10 minutes. It also choose the accent color automatically from my background and show the accent color on start, taskbar, and action center. These settings are slowing down my computer. Changing the background every 10 minutes is not that much of a problem, but adapting the selected color to the start menu, taskbar and action center seems to sort of restart taskbar which slows down the computer that moment. During normal use, this slowdown is shorter and doesn't affect anything, but when I'm in a game, this slowdown ruins my game. So, I need to change these setting before I enter a game. The fastest way to do this is in the following order: First I need to uncheck Automatically pick an accent color from background, so that my taskbar won't restart itself. Second, I switch the Background to single picture from slideshow. (If I firstly switch background to single picture, taskbar still restarts itself even though the same background and same accent colors). Of course, when I exited the game, I manually revert these changes again.

I found Automatically pick an accent color from background setting in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. There is a REG_DWORD called AutoColorization so, this batch script automatically switch the value between 0 (off) and 1 (on)

However, when I change the value from the registry, nothing is applied. Background remains the same. As soon as I open the background tab in the settings, the registry entry returns to the old value. I probably need to change some other entries, but I can't find what they are.

I am trying to change the background of a PowerChart component depending if the session theme is "light" or "black". The idea is that when the theme is light the color would be #C0C0C0 and #555555 otherwise. I tried to do a Change Script using session.props.theme on the color property inside the "plot" option of the chart, but that didn't seem to work.

Unfortunately the Perspective chart components are all third-party (mostly AM Charts) and don't know about the Perspective themes so we can't use theme variables such as --neutral-20, etc. My workaround has been to create a session custom variables for any colors I want and then create an expression binding on those. For example,

As you can see, the only restriction is that all my dark themes have to start with 'dark'. If you want to get fancy, create a colorConfig object in the session variables and create objects within that such as an array of colors for the pens. Here's a sample.

When changing the theme's style color using a custom color function. The Branding logo next to the Title whites out and our uploaded logo can hardly be seen, since the background color doesn't get applied. Also, I notice that Anchor Bar Contoller custom color doesn't get applied; and those widget buttons colors all get reset to a gray color.

The default style color is "default" and has the colored launchpad anchor bar buttons. Either style2 of style3 is what it is switched to when changing the theme to have a custom color.

The config that defines the colors shown in the 'colorful' anchor bar is located here: 

\\app location\app name\themes\LaunchpadTheme\styles\default\css\jimu-theme.css

To change the colors/orders in the colorful theme, you change the .icon-item-background0, background1 etc. colors.

That css file delineating the .icon-item-background colors for the anchor buttons does NOT change between default, style2, and style3, so I am guessing that instead you will have to search through the default folder for code that references icon-item-background, and then compare that file to what the same file shows for style2/style3. My guess is that at some point along the code, instead of telling it to pick a color based on the color index discussed above, it instead just hardcodes in a grey color.

The root background of xml file is White color and I didn't set background for recyclerview in xml. However, after changing from Light to Dark or Dark to Right=> background of recyclerview automatically change to a strange color(this color didn't see in my color.xml resource). I tried to set background of Recyclerview to @null or transparent in code and xml file as well but the background of recyclerview didn't remove that strange color.

I am guessing you are using the DayNight Theme. If so you should have to themes.xml folder in res, one is called as mentioned and the other is with the extension (night). There you can define a color in both xml files. It has the same name but different color values like this:

Ionic provides several global variables that are used throughout components to change the default theme of an entire application. Application Colors are useful to change the look of most of the Ionic components, and Stepped Colors are used as variations in some of the Ionic components.

It is important to note that the background and text color variables also require a rgb variable to be set in rgb format. See The Alpha Problem for an explanation of why the rgb property is also needed.

After exploring different ways to customize the Ionic theme, we found that we couldn't use just one background or text color. In order to imply importance and depth throughout the design, we need to use different shades of the background and text colors. To accommodate this pattern, we created stepped colors.

While updating the background (--ion-background-color) and text (--ion-text-color) variables will change the look of the app for most components, there are certain Ionic components where it may look off, or broken. This will be more apparent when applying a darker theme.

In some components we use a shade darker than the background or lighter than the text. For example, an item heading text may need to be #404040, which is a few shades lighter than our default text color. Meanwhile, the loading component background is a shade darker than white, using #f2f2f2. We use stepped colors in order to define these slight variations. It is important to update the stepped colors when updating the background or text color of an application.

By default, the Ionic stepped colors start at the default background color value #ffffff and mix with the text color value #000000 using an increasing percentage. The full list of stepped colors is shown in the generator below.

I am attempting to change my desktop theme in Kubuntu, the latest version. I go to the desktop theme module and select the theme I want to use. I then click apply. The only thing that changes is the bottom bar and the area around the home folder and trash folder. The desktop background does not change. It seems simple to me but it appears that I am doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. e24fc04721

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