I'm getting copyright warnings & audio muted because someone who made YouTube walkthroughs of the games is claiming copyright over the in-game music that their walkthrough videos included. You don't get to claim copyright over a game's music just because you make a walkthrough video on YouTube - and you shouldn't be permitted to submit DMCA claims against Twitch VODs because someone played the same game you did. It's idiotic and there needs to be a way to report these frauds, not legitimize them with the current DMCA dispute process.

In the end I used the code below to have it play the RTSP stream on VLC in the background in addition to a loud notification. I also have separate commands to set the media volume and then end playback when noise is no longer detected. NOTE: This plays the audio only in the background even if the phone is locked, just as I was looking for. If you need it to pull up a video on the screen this will only get you part of the way there.

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If you wanted it to play in the background and open the home assistant app to a certain lovelace page, assuming your phone was unlocked and the screen was on, you could use an automation to send the VLC command first, then the lovelace command next. That should open VLC for just a split second before opening the companion app to a certain lovelace page, while continuing to play the VLC audio in the background.

When sending a Spanish-language alert, an English-language version is also required. Alerting authorities are responsible for translating their WEA messages into Spanish. Note: The alert language displayed on a phone is dependent on the phone type and settings, so you cannot target a segment of the population to receive just Spanish-language WEAs.


The first time you open Email, you are prompted to set up an email account. After that, you can configure Email to send and receive email from additional accounts. The accounts that you configure are displayed in the Accounts screen.

The Email setup wizard helps you set up your account for many popular email systems, including those based on IMAP and POP3, so you can read and work with the same email as you do on a computer in Thunderbird, Mac Mail, in a web browser, or with another email application. If your service provider requires additional settings, or if your service provider is unknown to Email, you can enter the necessary details manually, though you will typically need to contact your email service provider to determine the right settings for your account.

It's possible that your iPhone is "stuck" in headphones mode, meaning that it's sending your ringtone to a device that's not actually connected. This might include earbuds that aren't plugged in or a Bluetooth device that isn't turned on.

Call forwarding is handy if you need to temporarily send all incoming calls to another phone. That means that if you aren't getting any calls on your iPhone at all, there's a chance you had previously set up call forwarding and all calls are being redirected to another number.

My daughter, Marleigh, who is 20 months old had her first seizures this week after several days with a stomach virus. She started vomiting on a Sunday night.....vomitted profusely every 20-30 minutes the entire night from 10:30 pm till 6 am. Things slowed down a bit on Monday.....only vomitting in the morning. Tuesday morning, Marleigh was still not feeling well, had a very slight fever. She vomitted several times in the morning, then progressed to diahrea Tuesday afternoon. Wednedsay morning, she vomitted twice....and as I was waiting for the dr's office to open to schedule an apptmt, she tipped over and had a convulsive seizure that lasted about 1 minute. We had an ambulance ride to the hospital.........she had 2 more seizures in the emergency room. She had no fever, her blood sugar was in the low normal range and her electrolyte level was within acceptable limits. AFter the 3 seizure, they gave her a dose of ativan, and they decided to admit her. They gave her a catscan, did tons of blood work, and did 2 EEG's. All of which came back normal. Once we were admitted to the room, Marleigh slept for awhile then woke up and was agitated....wanted to move around. She became so agitated, that she was throwing herself around and hit her head a bit. She then had another convulsive seizure. All 4 seizures were between a minute and 2 minutes long. They started her on Keppra at around 8 pm Wed night. Wednesday night in the hospital was a little rough......Marleigh was restless and a bit combative...........not sleeping much. Thursday morning was also an agitated, combative morning in which I spent most of the morning restraining her from throwing herself around and pulling out her IV and other monitoring wires. They did another EEG, and it also came back normal. There are no pediatric neurologists in our town, so they were looking at sending her to a Children's Hospital in Denver. The plan was to do a spinal tap and an MRI at childrens, as well as possibly another EEG, but the hospital was too full and had no beds. So they decided to do more bloodwork and then check to see if there was a bed for her on Friday. The dr's here wonder if the agitated, combative, out of control behavior may be seizure activity, but they have not captured any of it on EEG. Thursay night was much better, she slept well, ate a bit in the middle of the night and woke up happy on Friday. She ate like a horse Friday morning and actually smiled and giggled in the morning. Since she did better Thurs night and Friday, they decided to send us home and do outpatient work with Dr's at Children's in a few weeks....the next available apptmt. I was ok with it so we coudl see when she was in her normal environment unhooked from all of the needles and monitoring devices if she was still combative and out of control. She will stay on 1 ml of Keppra twice daily until our apptmt at Childrens and they can determine more about the cause and future treatment, if necessary. Since she has been home, I have noticed she seems a bit unsteady on her feet, a bit irritable....not to the level she was at the hospital, though, and her speech seems harder to understand. I don't know if this is because of the medication, or because her brain is recovering from the 4 seizures she had, or if she is having seizures that we can't detect. I am terrified about what this could mean. Does anyone have any insights for me? What questions would you have for the ped. neurologist if you were me? I am desperate to talk to others who have had similar experiences. I hope to hear from some of you! e24fc04721

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