I'm a Black mom with vitiligo, a skin disorder that results in depigmentation, raising an Afro-Latinx child, so I can safely, and sadly, say that I've had people ask me, "Is that baby yours?" more times than is acceptable. (Hint: the "acceptable" amount of times to ask anyone this question is precisely zero.) The number of times I've had to say, "I'm the mom," or, when standing next to my partner as he holds our child, "We're together," is annoying and frustrating and exhausting.

I would only ever hear people ask those questions if the baby and their caregiver had different skin colors. It was most common to hear that question if the caregiver was Black, or a woman of color, and the baby was white or had a very light complexion.

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Why do you, stranger, want to know? What is it about my family that makes us appear to be less of a family than, say, whatever version of a family you think we're supposed to look like? And if you are truly fearing for my baby's safety, what it is about me that makes me appear to be an inadequate, potentially dangerous caregiver?

When someone asked me if my baby is mine, I see their inquiry for what it truly is: another microaggression that Black people and people of color experience on a daily basis. Whether someone has the best of intentions or not, when they ask this question they're creating a moment in which I am forced to be reminded of how my Blackness is viewed by others, how it informs their assumptions of me and my family, and how their singular view of a family does not include me and mine.

So, before you ask someone if a baby is theirs, ask yourself why you feel the need to ask them that question in the first place. If you're at the park or the grocery store or anywhere and you get the urge to ask someone holding a baby if they're the nanny, the babysitter, or the mother, ask yourself how their answer will impact you. Ask yourself why it matters. Find out what's driving your curiosity. Because my family doesn't exist to simply enlighten you on the vast array of family makeups. We're just a family, trying to enjoy our day, just like any other family you will inevitably encounter.

Baby Your Baby (BYB) is temporary medical coverage (Medicaid) for low-income, pregnant women who qualify. BYB covers pregnancy-related outpatient services provided by any Utah Medicaid Provider. It does not cover the delivery of the baby.

Your application will also serve as an ongoing Medicaid application. If you are eligible for ongoing Medicaid, you will be covered for the rest of your pregnancy along with the hospital stay and delivery charges. Your baby will also be covered under Medicaid for one year.

Record the first step, first words, first tooth, first birthday and many more moments with this beautiful linen bound baby journal presented in a matching keepsake box featuring 180GSM paper. With generous space for memories, photos from pre birth through to five years old and gender neutral for baby, parents and grandparents. This guided journal will become a cherished keepsake of a treasured time.

The pediatric audiologist may recommend that your baby visit a pediatric ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physician who specializes in conditions affecting the ear, known as a pediatric otologist. A pediatric otologist can determine possible causes of hearing loss and recommend intervention options. If your child has siblings, the audiologist or otologist may also recommend that their hearing be tested.

Many things are happening in your body right after you have a baby. During pregnancy, your body changed a lot. It worked hard to keep your baby safe and healthy. Now that your baby is here, your body is changing again. Some of these changes are physical, like your breasts getting full of milk. Others are emotional, like feeling extra stress.

Cesarean birth (also called c-section) is surgery in which your baby is born through a cut that your provider makes in your belly and uterus. A c-section is major surgery, so it may take a while for you to recover. You may be really tired for the first few days or weeks after a c-section because you lost blood during the surgery. The incision (cut) on your belly may be sore.

Your hair may have seemed thicker and fuller during pregnancy. This is because high hormone levels in your body made you lose less hair during pregnancy. After your baby is born, your hair may thin out. You may even lose hair. Hair loss usually stops within 6 months after you give birth. Your hair should regain its normal fullness within a year.

However, blood tests and thorough medical screenings to check for any communicable diseases are important before the surrogacy process begins, as those conditions could be passed from the carrier to the baby in utero.

Regardless of whose uterus that embryo is gestated into a baby, the genetic material will still only come from the two individuals who created that embryo. The egg and sperm is all that matters in genetic inheritance.

Yep, it's not like I'm spraying high pressure water on it. At the same time, I'm just not as paranoid as those who think of all the parts that can go wrong. I wrote don't baby your gear, I didn't say use it recklessly.

I did not accuse you of abusing you gear and I agree about the don't baby part but showing a picture of a rather wet camera might make others think it's OK to use a non weather sealed camera in inclement conditions so my anecdote was written as a warning that other M6 II users might not be so lucky if they use they camera in similar conditions.

There are many different ways to parent a child. Your ideas about parenting come from your culture, background and how your parents raised you, along with your temperament and attitudes. You and your partner may have different approaches to parenting, which is completely normal. It is a good idea to begin talking about your different styles early on, however, to ensure that you both feel comfortable caring for your baby.

Babies will begin to spend more time awake during the day as the first week progresses. This is the time to talk and sing to your baby. Your baby will enjoy looking at your face and seeing bright colors.

Some babies easily become overwhelmed by all the new things they are seeing and hearing. After a very busy day, some babies will be irritable or fussy, so make sure to plan some quiet time for you and your baby.

Many babies grunt and groan before they have a bowel movement or pass gas. They also may draw their legs up tightly, turn bright red in the face or cry. Some babies act as if they are in pain. Although we do not know why babies behave this way, we do know that for most babies this is normal. Some parents believe their baby has gas. If you would like to try giving your baby Mylicon drops, it is safe to do so, but please check with your baby's doctor before using any herbal teas.

Parents often have different ideas about where babies should sleep. Some feel strongly that babies should always be close to their parents. Others believe that babies should sleep in a separate crib. Wherever your baby sleeps, please make sure that your baby is safe.

Changing diapers and burping can wake babies up, and it may be difficult for them to fall back asleep. You may want to skip one diaper change in the middle of the night to avoid waking your baby. You can use extra diaper ointment to protect your baby's skin.

Babies normally spit up a few teaspoons of milk after every feeding. Sometimes, they may throw up what appears to be an entire feeding. If your baby throws up once a day, do not be concerned. If he or she throws up more than once a day, call your baby's doctor.

Babies hiccup frequently. You might have noticed that your baby hiccupped before birth. Sometimes feeding your baby will help stop the hiccups, but if not, don't worry. Fortunately, babies do not seem to be bothered by hiccups and they often can eat and sleep even while hiccuping.

Babies' hands and feet can look blue or feel cold. This is because their circulation is still immature and does not necessarily mean that they are cold. If you are concerned that your baby may be cold, feel your baby's neck or take his or her temperature.

When you are not holding your baby, keep a hat on his or her head to prevent too much heat loss. In general, your baby needs as many layers of clothing as you have on, plus a blanket. When you are holding your baby, he or she will not need the blanket or hat because of the added warmth of your body. Be careful not to bundle your baby too much. Making babies too warm is just as dangerous as letting them become cold.

The miniature size of baby corn makes consumers think that it grows from dwarf corn plants. But the tiny ears of baby corn are simply immature ears from regular-sized plants, said Jim Myers, Oregon State University vegetable breeder.

Although specialty varieties are available for baby corn production, baby corn can be harvested from many common corn varieties, as well. All you need to do is harvest some of your garden sweet corn early. Field, regular, sugary enhanced or super sweet corn varieties work great for baby corn. You don't need to buy the fancy stuff from the store.

But be aware: Sweeter varieties of corn do not produce sweeter baby corn, said Myers. Since baby corn ears are harvested before pollination and also before sugar has been stored in the kernels, baby corn is too underdeveloped to be sweet.

For baby corn, monitor the growth of your corn ears carefully. Corn grows so quickly, that timely harvest is crucial. In an extra day or two, the corn can grow larger than you might like for baby corn, giving a tougher and larger ear than might be good in a stir fry dish or salad.

To harvest baby corn at the perfect time takes practice. You might need to harvest a few at different stages each day for a few days to learn exactly when the baby corn is at the perfect stage for you. Start by harvesting ears where silk appears that day. Each ear may reach this stage at a different time on each plant, so you'll have to watch your plants closely. e24fc04721

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