If there is not a delivery drop in your area and if you are already on a route, you can also talk to Azure about starting your own drop site in your town as long as you and some friends can meet the minimum drop amount.

Once you order, Azure will send you an email confirmation so you know your order was placed. You will need a drop site number (that you get from your drop manager) before you can order to ensure it goes to the right drop unless you signed up online under a specific drop location.

Azure Download Drop

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I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 project that works local and whenever I need to blow away the DB, I just open a new query on it, change the available database dropdown to master, then close the connection on my local db and run the query "drop database [name]". Then I build the project, go into the package manager console and run "Update-Database". This seems to rebuild a fresh local database and runs the seed method in my configuration.cs file.

Is there a quick way to just drop/reset a Azure SQL DB to it's fresh, empty, virgin state and then re-publish with "execute code first migrations" to have it re-create the tables and re-seed the data?

I've seen some talk of creating an initial migration after I create the db, and then trying to use the Powershell to do some sort of roll-back to that initial state, but I haven't had luck getting it to work, and I want to delete all the data at the same time. Maybe I've just got the wrong syntax or haven't found a good enough tutorial. While I can run a query on the Azure DB to "drop database [x]" it literally kills the SQL Azure DB instance as you'd expect and you need to go back into the portal to recreate it. Sometimes that initial state is no good as the model has since been updated, so this may not be useful anyway.

I feel like there should be some easier quicker way to test changes on a live environment as there all these great tools and shortcuts provided by MS, but did they just drop the ball here for this phase of development or am I missing something?

Just to add to the answers since the accepted answer did not work for me on Azure.Use the below script to Delete all the tables and basically reset the azure database.It firstly deletes all constraints and then drops all of the tables.

Addition to the answer given by @Gizmo3399. We use temporal tables with Entity Framework (EF) Core 5.0.2 with .NET 5. This is the command we use to clear our database. History is the schema we use for system-versioned temporal table. Currently needs to be ran twice to drop everything but no modifications needed otherwise.

There is no need to find session which is connected to your database. it can be as simple as an object explorer open in another window. kill the session with the command above and then drop the database.

When we use the Publish Build Artifacts task, this task in a build pipeline to publish build artifacts to Azure Pipelines. Azure Pipelines is a server built on the cloud. When our artifact is downloaded from the cloud to the local, it is like a raindrop. So, it is named drop by default.

The way the docs read today it looks like artifactName is optional (which it is) and the default value is drop which it is not. It seems like the default name is constructed from the stage and job that called the task. _ are removed and the two items are concatenated with a .

If specified, drops all of the associated databases (schemas) and the objects within them, recursively. In Unity Catalog, dropping a catalog using CASCADE soft-deletes tables: managed table files will be cleaned up after 30 days, but external files are not deleted.

If specified, drops all the associated tables and functions recursively. In Unity Catalog, dropping a schema using CASCADE soft-deletes tables: managed table files will be cleaned up after 30 days, but external files are not deleted. Warning! If the schema is managed by the workspace-level Hive metastore, dropping a schema using CASCADE recursively deletes all files in the specified location, regardless of the table type (managed or external).

I had a drop down that was attached to an Azure Active Directory Smart Object from when I first started the workflow about two weeks ago. I had to add one additional option within the Filter options, which worked. However, after I saved and checked in the View, whenever I would try to use the Runtime of the view (or the form that the view is on), I get the spinner on the drop down (on multiple browsers) and no users appear.

I have even made a new List View and used that SmartObject. It creates a list of users fine. But it is not working within the Drop down list I have. I have even tried a new Item View which has a drop down that references that SmartObject to find that the drop down list isn't working there and I just get the spinner. (I have also tried the people picker which gives the same results.)

I can't think that it is something related to the authentication of the Instance of the SmartObject since it works fine in the List View. But I need this list to be usable in a drop down. It was working and I don't know how adding an additional criteria to the filter of the list has gotten me down this rabbit hole.

Since the dropdown list was working before the extra filter addition. May i request you to attach some screenshots on the populate data for Dropdown control rule configuration before and after the filter configuration? This would give us some hint on what exactly happening.

Although I know that I didn't touch the setting, somehow on the drop down box properties Data Source for the drop down, the SmartObject settings blanked out the "Value". I had to reset that to User Principal Name and then walk all the way through the process to make sure that nothing else on that was blank.

After reading some wowhead comments I thought I'd give 10m a try after getting 0 drake in 588 attempts, immediately got two blue drakes in 5 runs on 10m, decided to do a little more research and asking around on the secret finding discord and it turns out that in the last 23000 recorded kills between december 2018 and today, 0 mounts dropped.

This is really pissing me off, hundred of hours down the drain because of a bug, the mounts are listed as drops on the 25m EOTS dungeon journal, the least I can do is warn you guys, so if you need that mount, farm it on 10m.

I am using SQL Change Automation inVisual Studio, Facing an issue, whenever i click on Refresh button ( forrefreshing list of database object changes pending import in SCA window ) ashadow database been created and never get dropped.

You can have items shipped directly to your house, or you can place your order for a drop location near your home. Shipping items directly to your house means that you will get everything on your order, but you will pay MUCH higher shipping costs than you would by getting your items delivered to a drop location.

I have an issue with packets dropping to a third party data center in Florida, USA. The issue only occurs on Azure Virtual Machines, no matter which data center the VM is in. I've done the same tests simultaneously from other non-Azure networks, and there is no packets loss. The Azure Virtual Machines were "vanilla" / out of the box with no software loaded or other customizations / changes.

I've already spoken to the network admins at the data center and the only packets they are seeing are the ones that don't timeout; the packets that timeout never reach their firewall, so it sounds like something on the Azure side (especially since the packets consistently drop/timeout from multiple Azure data centers / regions). Does anyone know how I might solve this?

Other evidence supporting the fact that it's not the third party data center is that I can run the same continuous TCP ping from my home computer / work computer and drop no packets. I also setup a tunnel VPN from the Azure VM to a VM at a non-Azure data center and no packets are dropped. The only time packets are dropped is when the traffic goes out to the internet/WAN directly via Azure.

It is difficult to say what is exactly going on, as we don't have simultaneous captures, but my understanding is that the edge device (potentially a firewall) on the remote site (www.oandp.com) keeps closed connections on it's connection table for longer than Azure does, so when Azure uses one of the freed (i.e. already used) ports and the remote side still thinks that connection is not fully closed, our SYN packets get dropped.

If you delete a model from your dbt project, dbt does not automatically drop the relation from your schema. This means that you can end up with extra objects in schemas that dbt creates, which can be confusing to other users.

Microsoft recently announced that Azure Database will drop support for MariaDB. Over the coming months, users will no longer be able to create new MariaDB databases through the console or CLI, with a scheduled sunset for existing instances in 2025.

Azure plans to drop support for creating new MariaDB instances from the Azure portal on December 19th and from the CLI on March 19th. Existing databases are scheduled for retirement by September 19, 2025. An article on the Azure Database for MySQL Blog explains how to migrate to Azure Database for MySQL.

Make sure you are logged in with an account that has write access to the repository. In the top right corner of the website, click on the user settings icon to display a drop-down menu and select Personal access token.

It's not hurting anything, but it's annoying. I have people connecting to a RemoteApp and when the VPN drops they get a disconnect message. It comes back up, right where they were, so no data is lost, but it shouldn't do this. And it didn't, until about a week ago.

One thing I've noticed with Azure and others, on the VPN, look at the IKE (Phase 1) Proposal and Ipsec (Phase 2) Proposal. Both have a "Life Time (seconds)". Those need to match the Azure side otherwise, you can get drops where either the Azure side or the Sonicwall wall side says "Hey, we hit the lifetime limit, we need to rebuild these keys, hold up, lets resync, and continue on". When both sides match, you get less "drops" as both sides [Azure and Sonicwall] hit it at the same time and both "store then forward" the packets the while handshaking. Otherwise, it's one side saying hold up, and the other can drop a packet [or two] while rebuilding the handshake. 2351a5e196

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