A snapshot is a full, read-only copy of a virtual hard disk (VHD). You can use a snapshot as a point-in-time backup, or to help troubleshoot virtual machine (VM) issues. You can take a snapshot of both operating system (OS) or data disk VHDs.

Follow these steps to take a snapshot with the New-AzSnapshotConfig and New-AzSnapshot cmdlets. This example assumes that you have a VM called myVM in the myResourceGroup resource group. The code sample provided creates a snapshot in the same resource group and within the same region as your source VM.

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Create the snapshot configuration. In the example, the snapshot is of the OS disk. By default, the snapshot uses locally redundant standard storage. We recommend that you store your snapshots in standard storage instead of premium storage whatever the storage type of the parent disk or target disk. Premium snapshots incur additional cost.

If you want to store your snapshot in zone-resilient storage, you must create the snapshot in a region that supports availability zones and include the -SkuName Standard_ZRS parameter. For a list of regions that support availability zones, see Azure regions with availability zones.

Follow these steps to take a snapshot with the az snapshot create command and the --source-disk parameter. This example assumes that you have a VM called myVM in the myResourceGroup resource group. The code sample provided creates a snapshot in the same resource group and within the same region as your source VM.

Take a snapshot named osDisk-backup using az snapshot create. In the example, the snapshot is of the OS disk. By default, the snapshot uses locally redundant standard storage. We recommend that you store your snapshots in standard storage instead of premium storage whatever the storage type of the parent disk or target disk. Premium snapshots incur additional cost.

If you would like to store your snapshot in zone-resilient storage, you need to create it in a region that supports availability zones and include the optional --sku Standard_ZRS parameter. A list of availability zones can be found here.

Incremental snapshots are point-in-time backups for managed disks that, when taken, consist only of the changes since the last snapshot. The first incremental snapshot is a full copy of the disk. The subsequent incremental snapshots occupy only delta changes to disks since the last snapshot. When you restore a disk from an incremental snapshot, the system reconstructs the full disk that represents the point in time backup of the disk when the incremental snapshot was taken. This capability for managed disk snapshots potentially allows them to be more cost-effective, since, unless you choose to, you don't have to store the entire disk with each individual snapshot. Just like full snapshots, incremental snapshots can be used to either create a full managed disk or a full snapshot. Both full snapshots and incremental snapshots can be used immediately after being taken. In other words, once you take either snapshot, you can immediately read the underlying data and use it to restore disks.

There are a few differences between an incremental snapshot and a full snapshot. Incremental snapshots will always use standard HDD storage, irrespective of the storage type of the disk, whereas full snapshots can use premium SSDs. If you're using full snapshots on Premium Storage to scale up VM deployments, we recommend you use custom images on standard storage in the Azure Compute Gallery. It will help you achieve a more massive scale with lower cost. Additionally, incremental snapshots potentially offer better reliability with zone-redundant storage (ZRS). If ZRS is available in the selected region, an incremental snapshot will use ZRS automatically. If ZRS isn't available in the region, then the snapshot will default to locally-redundant storage (LRS). You can override this behavior and select one manually but, we don't recommend that.

Incremental snapshots are billed for the used size only. You can find the used size of your snapshots by looking at the Azure usage report. For example, if the used data size of a snapshot is 10 GiB, the daily usage report will show 10 GiB/(31 days) = 0.3226 as the consumed quantity.

Normally, when you take an incremental snapshot, and there aren't any changes, the size of that snapshot is 0 MiB. Currently, empty snapshots of disks with a 4096 logical sector size instead have a size of 6 MiB, when they'd normally be 0 MiB.

You can use SourceResourceId to create a list of all snapshots associated with a particular disk. Replace yourResourceGroupNameHere with your value and then you can use the following example to list your existing incremental snapshots:

You can use the Azure PowerShell module to create an incremental snapshot. You need the latest version of the Azure PowerShell module. The following command will either install it or update your existing installation to latest:

To create an incremental snapshot with Azure PowerShell, set the configuration with New-AzSnapShotConfig with the -Incremental parameter and then pass that as a variable to New-AzSnapshot through the -Snapshot parameter.

You can identify incremental snapshots from the same disk with the SourceResourceId and the SourceUniqueId properties of snapshots. SourceResourceId is the Azure Resource Manager resource ID of the parent disk. SourceUniqueId is the value inherited from the UniqueId property of the disk. If you delete a disk and then create a new disk with the same name, the value of the UniqueId property changes.

You can use SourceResourceId and SourceUniqueId to create a list of all snapshots associated with a particular disk. Replace yourResourceGroupNameHere with your value and then you can use the following example to list your existing incremental snapshots:

You can also use Azure Resource Manager templates to create an incremental snapshot. You'll need to make sure the apiVersion is set to 2022-03-22 and that the incremental property is also set to true. The following snippet is an example of how to create an incremental snapshot with Resource Manager templates:

You have two options for getting the status of snapshots. You can either get a list of all incremental snapshots associated with a specific disk, and their respective status, or you can get the status of an individual snapshot.

The following script returns a list of all snapshots associated with a particular disk. The value of the CompletionPercent property of any snapshot must be 100 before it can be used. Replace yourResourceGroupNameHere, yourSubscriptionId, and yourDiskNameHere with your values then run the script:

You can also check the status of an individual snapshot by checking the CompletionPercent property. Replace $sourceSnapshotName with the name of your snapshot then run the following command. The value of the property must be 100 before you can use the snapshot for restoring disk or generate a SAS URI for downloading the underlying data.

You have two options for getting the status of snapshots. You can either get a list of all incremental snapshots associated with a particular disk and their respective status, or you can get the status of an individual snapshot.

The following script returns a list of all incremental snapshots associated with a particular disk that haven't completed their background copy. Replace yourResourceGroupNameHere and yourDiskNameHere, then run the script.

You can check the CompletionPercent property of an individual snapshot to get its status. Replace yourResourceGroupNameHere and yourSnapshotName then run the script. The value of the property must be 100 before you can use the snapshot for restoring disk or generate a SAS URI for downloading the underlying data.

Snapshots with a 4096 logical sector size can only be used to create Premium SSD v2 or Ultra Disks. They can't be used to create other disk types. Snapshots of disks with 4096 logical sector size are stored as VHDX, whereas snapshots of disks with 512 logical sector size are stored as VHD. Snapshots inherit the logical sector size from the parent disk.

If you'd like to see sample code demonstrating the differential capability of incremental snapshots, using .NET, see Copy Azure Managed Disks backups to another region with differential capability of incremental snapshots.

Snapshots are a tried and trusted way to save a point-in-time copy of a virtual machine that users can easily revert to when needed. In Microsoft Azure, however, snapshots are not the same as what a seasoned on-site administrator might expect.

Admins can't revert a VM to a snapshot with just a few clicks using standard Azure tools like they would on premises. Instead, they need to build a new Azure machine and use the snapshot disk. However, unlike traditional snapshots, Azure snapshots can create new VMs, which is useful for testing and one-off backups.

Azure snapshots exist as a backup tool to ensure the administrator has a good copy of the virtual machine disks if needed. Azure snapshots can also be cloned into additional VMs. Users can create Azure VM snapshots using PowerShell or Azure CLI.

To create an Azure VM snapshot, navigate to the Azure Portal and select Create a resource. Use the search function and type in "snap" to take a basic snapshot. This will highlight the snapshot blade. Click on the link to open the required blade, as shown in Figure 1.

Admins can also create snapshots with PowerShell. They'll need to set several variables, call the New-AzSnapshot and pass those variables as parameters. This approach requires admins to install the Azure PowerShell plugin.

Microsoft offers a sample script for handling this task in PowerShell. To run it for your VMs, just replace the first three variables in the first step below. You'll also have to address additional configuration variables to create the new snapshot on the last command.

The last way to create a snapshot is with Azure's command line interface. This can be done using the az set of commands. To create a snapshot, the user will need to install the Azure CLI and log in, or use Cloud Shell. 152ee80cbc

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