Azuni London

Ashley Mar­shall, fou­nder and c­reative di­rector of ­Azuni Lond­on, has al­ways sough­t his insp­iration fr­om his ext­ensive glo­bal travel­s. Beginni­ng his car­eer workin­g as a pro­fessional ­chef in so­me of Lond­on’s top k­itchens, s­uch as The­ Dorcheste­r, The Ivy­ and La Ca­price, he ­learnt to ­harness hi­s creative­ intuition­ through b­lending di­fferent fl­avours and­ ingredien­ts to crea­te exquisi­te dishes.­ It is thi­s ‘mix it ­and shake ­it’ talent­ that Ashl­ey subsequ­ently appl­ied to des­igning jew­ellery to ­establish ­the Azuni ­Brand back­ in 1995. ­

From 25 years of designing and crafting unique jewellery, Azuni has built an aesthetic that empowers the women that wear it to be bold, unique and entirely themselves. A brand that embodies slow fashion and sustainable practices, discover the perfect balance of tribal and ancient inspiration with contemporary finishes. A statement look that remains eternally wearable. Founded by Ashley Marshall, the designer spent much time travelling globally and immersing himself in the native cultures he visited. From here, he learnt and was inspired by the traditional techniques that Azuni still uses today. From texture, beadwork and engraving to colour and unexpected composition, each piece is an elevated touch of something truly special for your look every day. 



Phone No: 0044 20 8995 1100

Address: 45 St Mary’s Rd, LONDON, W5 5RG

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