

By the end of 2023 when all of my freelance projects have been fully handed over, I decided to get back to basics, and code out a CRUD application this time using vuejs version 3.

Whatnote is a simple note taking app. Basically you can Create, Update and Delete notes.

My Role

Product Design & Development

The Problem

Instead of shopping around for a note taking app and spend time getting to know it's features and how it can help with my workflow, I decided to go on a journey and build one for myself just to see if I can, and to also get back into some coding.

Research & Findings

Evernote, Google Keep, Obsidian, Supernote are all existingly great note taking app with great features built in. I've used most of them previously and they work great. So I'm not going to re-invent the wheel in terms of useful features but I'll take examples from them and see I can teach myself to implement it on my own app.

Development Process

Back to the basics. The above screenshots are the first phase of the app  where the CRUD functionalities are working as expected when lauching the app on the client. What's not done yet is to implement Local Storage so that notes don't dissapear whent he app is refreshed. Then I'll be able to call it as an MWP (Minimal Workable Product).

To get to this point,  I've chosen to use the following stack:

NuxtJS + Pinia + NuxtUI

While developing, I’m thinking about what is needed to take this app to MVP (Minimal Viable Product). So I’m currently considering these few features:

To get there, I'm going to use Supabase, a popular Backend as-a Service that can provide me with the services I need.

Time to get that refresher on Supabase, then....