Altitude Health

Mobile App

July 2022


A Palo Alto based startup is developing an app that analyzes DNA results and recommends personalized nutritional intake and behaviors for better overall wellbeing. Upon completing a third party DNA report submitted via the mobile app, a dashboard will display the current health status followed by key metrics based on the user input.

My Role

UX Design, Wireframing, Prototyping

The Problem

A redesign of the main dashboard was requested by the stakeholders. The feel is too confusing as it does not represent the look and feel of a purposeful mobile dashboard but rather a desktop webpage that’s designed to be responsive for the mobile viewport.

Research & Findings

At it’s current state, decisions have already been made on what information to display, which includes key metrics, recommended daily actions, related articles and videos on general wellbeing.

 It had become too to busy and cluttered, with a very long home screen with side scrolls on some sections.

Especially the testimonials section from other users which is not needed. Obviously at this stage the user is convinced enough to install and wanting to get more out of the app.

Though the intention was to give the user substantial value add by providing a lot of categories and information, this was ineffective and unattractive from a mobile user point of view. 

Design Process

Identifying information that delivers the most value to achieve higher user engagement in an easy to understand visual design.

Input on key metrics are required on a daily basis to enable a more accurate analysis on the user’s progress. They are also required to acknowledge on the daily recommended actions. If there are gaps between inputs by the user, tracking wont be as accurate.

Some quick research was done looking at both competitors and non-competitors, and we're on our way. 

From here on, it was clear that round charts are good for overall status and bar charts are effective for tracking progress.

The strategy was communicated to the owner and some concepts were sketched. More comparison was done and we have a sense of direction. 

The Solution

Visual design can provide a more intuitive and efficient way to understand and  communicate numerical and statistical information, due to:


Having developed the Figma prototype, the UX is better understood via the UI design change. Focus on mobile specific design was the true north of this project. Delivering main visual information was greatly improved from the latter. In terms of achieving higher user engagement, beta testing has to take place where user feedback can be further analyzed. 

After this iteration, the app was approved for test flight in the iOS and has proceeded for beta testing with end users.