being a living lizard!

Be a Living Legend.

Welcome to the 'Boss-free' zone


My name is Coach Azmy M.

 I help non-native Future Managers and Directors to learn Business English using my J2M Formula, AI tools, and Executive Coaching methods. 


I teach Malay Language for Foreigners. 


I do writing service for SME businesses.

I've had students  & clients from all over the world, including:

Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Colombia.

Coach | Writer | Caddie




🗣️Professional English. Progressive Career ✒️ 

Are you a non-native English speaker aspire to reach the highest echelons of your career? Do you find yourself held back by language barriers when communicating with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders? 

Look no further – this comprehensive English for Management online program is your ticket to unlock a world of professional opportunities.

Designed specifically for future managers and directors, this program goes beyond teaching English. It equips you with the essential communication skills required to thrive in a global business environment. You'll craft persuasive emails and reports to deliver impactful presentations and leading high-stakes meetings, develop the confidence and fluency to express yourself with clarity and authority.


Your language proficiency has just begun. Our program also cultivates critical soft skills that set outstanding leaders apart. Through interactive modules and real-world case studies, you'll be an efficient time manager, a problem-solver, effective communicator, a solid team player, and a leadership material – the very qualities that drive success in today's competitive marketplace.

Imagine you walk into a boardroom, commanding attention with your polished English language skills and strategic insights. Envision yourself lead cross-functional teams, bridge the cultural divide and foster collaboration. This program empowers you to break through language barriers, enable you to showcase your true potential and explore new career heights.


Don't let language limitations hold you back any longer. Invest in your future today. Enroll in our English for Management online program. With flexible schedules and personalized support, you can acquire the skills you need to excel without having to sacrifice your current commitments.

Take the first step towards executive mastery. 

Explore a world of boundless professional growth.

Join me to learn how to: 

(1) Enhance your writing and speaking skills for discussions, meetings, and presentations, 

(2) Equip yourself with professional career skills which including but not limited to: Time Management, Communication, Problem Solving, Teamwork and Leadership, and 

(3) Discover your own potential as a Future Manager/Director.


🌏Malay: The World's Easiest Language to Learn 🇲🇾

Are you an expatriate living in Malaysia, eager to embrace the rich tapestry of this captivating country? Look no further than our online Malay language lessons, designed to help you communicate effortlessly and connect with the warm, welcoming locals.

Imagine yourself navigate the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur, engage in friendly chats with vendors, or exchange pleasantries with your neighbors – all in their native tongue. Engage in my casual sessions to embrace your Malaysian experience, that allows you to discover the true essence of this vibrant nation.


Master the Malay language is just the start. I will personally guide you through the intricacies of Malaysian culture, unveil the unique traditions, customs, and dialects that make this land so captivating. From the rhythmic cadence of Kelantanese to the distinct inflections of Sabahan Malay, you'll understand the linguistic diversity that enriches every corner of this multicultural paradise.

Picture yourself effortlessly communicate with local artisans, appreciate the nuances of their craft, or strike up conversations with the friendly staff at your favorite warung (dining place). With our interactive lessons, you'll not only learn the language but also gain valuable insights into the Malaysian way of life, fostering a deeper connection and sense of belonging.


When you complete my program within just two months, you'll be equipped with the skills to navigate daily interactions with confidence, forge meaningful connections and truly immerse yourself in the heart of Malaysian society.

Don't let language barriers limit your Malaysian experience. Embrace the opportunity to explore a world of cultural richness and personal growth. 

Enroll in my online Malay language lessons today and embark on a transformative journey that will forever enrich your expat adventure.


Join me. Learn Malay to: 

(1) Navigate the beautiful islands, attractive tourist spots, historical places, and enjoying street foods without having to worry about communication barriers

(2) Learn about our modest and simple culture, and 

(3) Discover the unique dialects on different parts of Malaysia.

Copywriting: Crafting Creative Content 📝

In today's crowded marketplace, words are the currency that can make or break your brand's impact. As a small or medium-sized business owner, you know the significance of crafting compelling copy that resonates with your target audience and drives action. But let's be honest – time is a precious commodity, and to master the art of persuasive writing can be a painful task.

This is where I come in – your secret weapon for copy that captivates and sells.


With over years of experience as a professional copywriter and marketer, I've honed the art of transform ideas into words that ignite emotions, inspire action, and leave an impression that lasts. From attention-grabbing social media captions to persuasive website copy and proposals, I can help to elevate your brand's voice and make it stand out in the digital noise.

But what truly sets me apart is my ability to seamlessly navigate both the English and Malay languages. Whether you target a local or global audience, I'll ensure that your message transcends linguistic barriers, connect with your customers on a deeper, more authentic level.


Imagine you have a team of skilled wordsmiths at your fingertips, ready to craft the perfect copy for your next big promotion, product launch, or marketing campaign. With my services, you don't have to sacrifice quality for speed or to settle for mediocre content.

By putting your trust on me, you'll not only save precious time and resources but also gain a strategic partner who understands the power of words to drive conversions, build brand loyalty, and ultimately, boost your bottom line.


Your business doesn't deserve to be homogenous. 

Subscribe and explore the full potential of copies that speaks directly to your audience's hearts and minds.

Invest in the art of persuasion, and watch your brand soar to new heights.

Get a hold of me to: 

(1) Write copies in both Malay and English to attract both local and international markets

(2) Proofread and edit your letters, proposals, minutes of meetings. 

(3) Use AI tools in seconds, ignite your company's productivity levels.




Business English Coach 



Malay Language Community Tutor



Mini-MBA in Strategic Management 


no. 3235-170-152-6055 



Professional Career Skills certification

(Berlin, Germany) 

no. 1032809-167-154-9543



Certified in Teaching Business English

no. ITTTBE4117 



Malaysia HRDC Certification 

no. TTT/2732






Language Coaching | Corporate Training


Translation | Editing  

Proofreading | Copywriting 

"No Examinations, 

Only Applications"


Dive into my diverse portfolio, where words come alive in captivating articles, persuasive copywriting samples, translation works, and insightful book reviews

From engaging storytelling to compelling marketing materials, my work showcases a mastery of language that resonates with audiences worldwide

Ready to explore? 


Discover the testimonials from my students and clients, all received 5-star ratings. From praises for my teaching methods to rave reviews about my services, these testimonials speak volumes about the quality and impact of my work, in which you are guaranteed quality work for working together with me. 

Click through to my testimonials page to see firsthand how I've made a difference in the lives of those I've worked with.


Now that you've seen my credentials, portfolios and testimonials, I believe that at this point, I should be gaining your trust to work with me to achieve win-win situations.

I am just an option. There are plenty of other services out there for you and your business. However, I can really guarantee that if you choose me, it will be a good choice for you to bring your business to the next level. 

With this, I'll show you again my list of services for you to take advantage on:
