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Vote in Every Election

Elections are being won by razor thin margins in Arizona.  Every vote counts! Learn how to check your voter status, find election information and track our ballot.  

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Youth Voter Registration Program

Civic Engagement Beyond Voting and The Civics Center are again partnering with a goal of getting every high school student in Arizona registered to vote. 


Students can run a voter registration drive any time during the spring that works with the schools' calendar. Trainings begin on Feb. 15.


Students & educators! If you'd like to run a voter registration drive at your Arizona high school, The Civics Center will provide training, materials, support, and Democracy in a Box (stickers, posters customized to your school or mascot, t-shirts, pens, clipboards and more) to get you going! We help with getting permission from your school administration, ideas for running a successful event, providing a custom voter registration URL for your use, and plenty of support along the way. Events run by peers are the most successful at getting students excited about participating in our democracy!

Students and Educators SIGN UP BELOW.

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