
Hi, my name is Azadeh (Azi) Fattahi, and I am an assistant professor and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham University, UK.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher (Junior Research Fellow) at Durham for 3 years, following my PhD studies at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

photo credit: E. Salehi

My research area is computational galaxy formation, with a focus on dwarf galaxies, Milky Way and the Local Universe. The main question deriving my research is understanding the nature of the missing matter (dark matter) in the Universe and its connection to galaxy formation.

Here is my CV here.

My publications: you can access them in this ADS library or download them from here. (the ADS library is more up-to-date)