Is Yoga An Answer For Kidney Problems?

Several internal organs play a vital role in the enhancement of the functioning of the human body. The human body runs accordingly when its internal organs are functioning by following an intact systematic chain. Major organs like The heart, lungs, liver, brain and kidneys are prominent for the survival of a human body. But kidneys are involved in numerous functions which is why they are bean-shaped multi-taskers. The kidneys work day and night as the filter and disposal of your body. The blood in your body is flown to the kidneys in order to be filtered. The kidneys are built up of millions of nephrons and each nephron has a filter and tubule within them. The filter is known as the glomerulus which is the clusters of tiny blood vessels that filter waste products and excess fluids out of your blood. The tubules absorb the essential proteins and transfer them back into the bloodstream. Therefore the kidneys can filter the blood, reabsorb the essential proteins and eliminate the waste products because of the structural and filtering units of the kidney. Blood filtration is a major job and any obstructions in this function can create a strike of consequences for your body. In Fact, kidney-related diseases have proven to increase life-threatening issues for its patients. That is why healthy kidneys are the best way to procure a healthy body.

What is Kidney disease?

Kidney diseases are medical conditions that hamper kidney function by targeting the parts within the kidneys. They can interrupt the various duties that are performed by kidneys. Duties are as follows:

  • Blood filtration: Kidney disease can damage the glomeruli and the tubules due to which poor filtration occurs. Because of unfiltered blood the waste products and excess fluids can accumulate in the blood which causes complications for kidneys and other organs also.

  • Balancing electrolytes: Kidney disease can create an imbalance in the electrolytes.

  • Managing the blood pressure: The levels of blood pressure increase due to abnormal kidney function. As kidneys lose their ability to make renin which is responsible for the management of blood pressure.

The bottom line is that the diseases can harm kidneys to such an extent that your body can be a centre of various health-related issues. And the progressions of such kidney diseases can lead to Kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. Yoga for kidney problems has proven to be beneficial in reducing the negative impacts of the disease on your body, soul and mind.

What are the causes of kidney disease?

The causes of kidney disease depend on the root causes which are also the central reasons for the development of the disease. There are many kidney diseases or medical conditions that cause impaired kidney functions.

Acute kidney failure is defined as when your kidneys stop functioning suddenly. It is also called an acute renal failure or acute kidney injury. The causes that are associated with acute kidney failure are as follows:

  • Lack of blood flow to the kidneys.

  • Direct injury to the kidneys.

  • Backed up urine in the kidneys.

Reasons of these causes include:

  • A traumatic injury in the kidneys can cause major blood loss.

  • Dehydration or breakdown of muscle tissue can send too much protein into your bloodstream.

  • A severe kidney infection.

  • An enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine.

  • Consumption of drugs or toxins can provide irreparable damage to the kidneys.

Autoimmune diseases can reverse the role of your immune system and cause it to attack the body. It can result in acute kidney injury.

When your kidneys lose their ability to function normally over time and gradually lead the kidney into kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. This medical condition is known as Chronic kidney disease. The symptoms do not become visible in the initial stages of chronic kidney disease and that is the treatable stage only.

Diseases or medical conditions that can trigger chronic kidney disease are as follows:

  • Diabetes: It is one of the most common and leading causes of chronic kidney disease as elevated levels of blood sugar can harm your kidneys over time and hinders kidney function.

  • High blood pressure can weaken the arteries surrounding kidneys and damages the blood vessels within them.

  • Immune system diseases such as lupus or Goodpasture's syndrome.

  • Viral illnesses such as HIV and AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

  • Pyelonephritis: It is a urinary tract infection in the kidneys which scars the glomeruli and leads to kidney damage.

  • Inflammation in the tiny blood vessels can also cause impaired kidney function.

  • Inherited diseases like polycystic kidney disease is a genetic kidney disorder that causes sacs that are filled with non-cancerous fluids in the kidneys. These cysts enlarge the kidneys and create problems for them to perform their functions normally.

  • Poisoning: The use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen and naproxen can damage kidneys permanently over time.

What are the signs and symptoms of kidney disease?

The signs and symptoms do not reveal themselves until the kidney disease has progressed to its extreme levels. Kidneys are adaptable and they compensate for the lost kidney function. That is why symptoms do not arise in the initial stages of kidney disease. Symptoms that appear when you have lost kidney function include:

  • High blood pressure.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Lack of appetite.

  • Metallic taste in your mouth.

  • Fatigue.

  • Extreme weakness.

  • Trouble in thinking or decreased mental alertness.

  • Sleep issues like insomnia.

  • Swelling in your feet and ankles due to fluid retention.

  • Itching.

  • Chest pain due to the buildup of fluid around the borders of the heart.

  • Shortness of breath due to the buildup of fluid around the lungs.

When to see the doctor?

If you experience any of the signs and symptoms that indicate kidney problems, you should book an appointment with the doctor and opt for the best treatment as soon as the kidney disease is detected.

Is yoga an answer for kidney problems?

Yoga and Ayurveda are the hidden treasures that have originated from the roots of India and have been with us since the dawn of civilization. Ayurveda is the art of living while yoga is the spiritual art of being healthy. When these two practices are merged, they can provide various tools that can help in procuring good health and vivacity. Yoga is not just limited to physical exercises anymore. The practise of yoga can create a balance in the mental and physical well being of a person. It provides a platform where your mind body and soul finds solace and peace.

Ayurveda believes that Kidney diseases occur due to the vitiation of three doshas which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The disrupted srotas (minute body channels) can create various complications like high blood pressure and diabetes. Ayurveda is the Vedic system of healthcare that is an expert in every aspect of human anatomy. It can also treat major diseases like kidney disease, cardiovascular disease or cancer. When Yoga and Ayurveda, which are the aspects of human vitality, are combined then a person can achieve health benefits that can help in getting your body rid of kidney disease. Ayurvedic kidney treatment in yoga has proved to be the best option for reducing the negative effects of the disease in your body. Practising yoga every day helps in eliminating the toxins out of your body and regulating blood pressure. Some asanas can help in keeping your kidney healthy by releasing the fatty acids and toxins out of your body. They include:

  • Mandukasana.

  • Shashankasana.

  • Vakrasana.

  • Yog mudrasana.

  • Gomukhasana.

  • Pawanmuktasana.

  • Uttan padasana.

  • Naukasana.

  • Bhujangasana.

Ayurvedic kidney treatment in yoga is a permanent and effective solution for kidney-related issues because Ayurveda and yoga for kidney problems, both have the same motive. To help you in being a healthier and best version of yourself.