There are many different custom widget libraries available for free download or for purchase from the Axure user community. You can browse through them in the Community section of our website at

The dropdown menu at the top of the Libraries pane lists all widget libraries and local image folders current loaded into Axure RP as well as any libraries available to you via Axure Cloud.

Axure Libraries Free Download

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To switch to a widget library, click the dropdown and select the library in the list. Alternatively, you can select All Libraries to view the contents of all your loaded libraries at once.

Every time you open Axure RP, it will attempt to load any Axure Cloud libraries you've previously added. It will also automatically attempt to download any changes to the libraries since you last used them.

Widget libraries can include collapsible section headings, such as Forms and Markup in the Default library. To create these in your custom libraries, add your widgets to folders with the Add Folder icon at the top-right of the Widgets pane.

Just like in a regular prototype file, you can use widget styles to centrally manage widget styling in your custom widget libraries. When you add one of your custom widgets to the canvas in a prototype file, its widget style is automatically added to the prototype's list of widget styles.

Check out this list of free and premium widget libraries for Axure RP created by our community. For more on how to load and create your own libraries in Axure RP, read the Widget Libraries documentation.

Over the last 3 years of using Axure, I tend to come back to the same plugins and libraries that allow me to spend less time on the standard UI/UX design patterns and more time on the custom functionality & features specific to the site in question. Ive compiled a list of my top 10 most useful libraries & widgets. Please feel free to add to this list by comment below if you feel there are any other worthy additions.

An oldie, but definitely a goodie. One of the very first Axure libraries I downloaded, and I still use some of the elements to this day. Some of the more interesting features are a funcitoning blog commenting widget, a date picker and a draggable map. These are the kind of widgets that I come back to again and again.

There are numerous websites featuring a plethora of complete website design patterns and user journeys as Axure wireframes. Some of these are incredibly in depth, but also expensive. Ive only included libraries and widgets Ive personally used, so I havent featured some of the well known libraries such as the Website builder library on, which is expensive at $149, but looks very in depth. If you have a copy or have anything else to say about any of the featured widgets and libraries in this list, please feel free to leave a comment.

Axure team developed very good tutorials on their website: You can find challenging and useful data whatever your level is. Depending on the topic, you have access to a demo video, guidelines and tutorials with RP files. This way you can get started very fast with the software, and keep on learning.

Though I used to work a lot with stencils, I found out extensive libraries were not so useful on Axure. The basic library is very simple, but offers great possibilites. For example, a simple square easily becomes an ellipse or a down arrow. Drop-down lists already exist, with their options, as well as search fields, etc. It actually takes me less time to create a new menu from scratch than go and look for one in my stencils.

Axure is quite the popular prototyping tool for which a ton of widgets and libraries have started emerging. These downloadable and reusable pattern libraries can often speed up the prototyping process. Here is a quick compilation of the latest I recently found:

As shown in the above screen, we have a context menu, where you can download different libraries as offered on -widget-libraries. You can also create your own library, which will be handy while creating repetitive controls for a given prototype.

When it comes to using a custom widget from one of your loaded libraries, drag and drop it in the design area similar to the built-in widgets. If the widget includes variables or a custom style, the Import Wizard dialog would flag such dependencies.

This library can be used for multiple projects and updates in the library file will be available once you Refresh the library from the context menu. As highlighted earlier, this comes very handy when working on a team project and distributing the libraries in this fashion.

Axure RP makes it extremely easy to create wireframes from their drag and drop default widgets libraries. Their latest version at the time of this writing is Axure RP 9. The workflow supports a user who has never designed before very well by providing widgets that are most commonly used in design projects. These include basic shapes headings, dropdowns, buttons, text fields, menus, form elements, icons, and flow shapes. One simply has to position these elements on a page adhering to best practices and patterns. Default device boards are available for mobile and web projects making it effortless to get started with the right dimensions.

Sketch offers real-time collaborative editing and shared cloud libraries that making working with your team not just easier but allows for a single source of truth. In addition, the is a two-factor authentication and SSO to ensure your projects shared securely.

There are several ways to use this "install" this plugin. The easiest option is to copy the script link above into your AxShare project as a plugin. Copy the script of the version you'd like to use, or simply use the script marked "latest" to ensure you're always subscribed to the latest application updates. The code in the scripts above is served from a CDN to ensure a fast response, no matter your location.If you prefer to house the code directly in your AxShare project, you'll need to copy and paste the code found within /axure-redline-tool/web/plugin.txt into your AxShare project as a plugin. The code combination is derived from the markup framework, CDN links, the pertinent CSS, and the supporting JavaScript / jQuery code base.

To apply this code to one of your AxShare hosted projects, navigate to and log into your account. Once logged in, you will see an inline gear icon to the far right of each Axure project. Hovering over this icon provides a list of options, including PLUGINS which you should select. Once on the plugin page, select NEW PLUGIN. Name your plugin whatever you deem appropriate and select End of the Head as the insertion location. Paste your plugin.min.htm code into the content area and save the plugin. Select all desired pages within which you'd like to have the interactive redline tool. If you would like to have the plugin appended to any new pages, you may select Add to new pages by default. Once saved, your plugin should be activated. To modify the plugin, simply select edit and paste in any replacement code. 0852c4b9a8

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